Friday, June 5, 2020

Sojourn to Forney: May 2020

We celebrated Dan finishing his first year of med school by taking a quick trip to visit his cousin and family in Forney. It was a blast! I am so grateful for Ryan, Kylee, and their 4 boys for allowing us to come to visit, invade their space, eat their food, and play with all their toys. 
Dan had his last test Friday morning so we left in the afternoon. It took us about 6 hours to drive there so we arrived around 9:00 PM. We talked for a little while and then went to bed. 
Saturday morning Kylee did HIGH Fitness with me so I could still do my Zoom class. After that, we got ready for an afternoon at the lake and left around noon. The lake was not the cleanest but it was free so what do you expect? The kids had fun and it was nice to be outside and play. We had lunch there and spent a couple of hours playing in the water. When we got back we got cleaned up and then played out in the backyard. The kids watched a movie after dinner while Ryan, Kylee, Dan, and I played the newlywed game. We went to bed a little before midnight. 
Sunday morning we had church. Ryan did an awesome job teaching the lesson. We went for a quick walk in the afternoon, it was a hot one, and then the kids watched another movie while we talked.
Monday morning Kylee showed me how to squat after the boys did their lifts and I have now jumped on the lifting bandwagon. I'm calling her my trainer. We had some breakfast, packed up our stuff, and hit the road around 11:00, and got home a little after 5:00. It was a quick little trip but it was good and needed. I am glad the girls could play with some kids again and that Dan and I could have adult conversations with someone besides ourselves ha.
We sure love our Fisher cousins!
The only picture I took at the lake.
The magic popcorn maker.
She didn't want to take a nap and ended up taking one anyway.
The boys playing Tony Hawk.
The kids playing all the ukuleles.
And then Ryan got out the microphone and the kids sang some songs.

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