Monday, June 22, 2020

Paige: Eight Months

8 months with sweet Paige. The days have been long but the months seem to slip through my fingers. 
Paige is rolling all over the place. She finally figured out how to roll from her stomach to her back no longer lays in one place. She has become a little wiggle worm. No signs of crawling anytime soon and I am happy about that. When she gets excited and she is on her tummy she will constantly put her head down and lift it up. 
Paige is in her 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She seems to have finally slowed down a little in growing. 
Paige is still the happiest, most content little girl. She has the biggest grin and cutest giggles. She is my calm in all this craziness going on right now. She likes to curl her lips in and make an "o" shape with her mouth. When she is upset I can talk to her and that usually makes her happy again, until I stop then she gets sad. It's fun to go back and forth and see how long I can keep her happy just by talking with her. She has finally found her voice. She was the quietest baby from day one but seems to feel the need to keep up with her sisters.
Paige will sleep through the night as long as I have fed her food the day before, it seems to help keep her tummy full longer. She is getting better at eating and eats most of her food containers as long as it isn't peas or beans. We also introduced pouches to her and she is getting better at slurping those down too.
Paige loves to get in the pool and bathtub with her sisters. So glad all our babies love the water. It's fun to watch her splash around. 
Paige loves to grab our faces. She especially loves playing with Dan's facial hair. Let's get real she loves grabbing anything she can get her little fingers around. 
Paige is such a fun little squish and we love her more than anything!

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