Friday, May 22, 2020

Paige: Seven Months

Seven months with this little squish! I hate that she is growing up so fast but I love seeing her personality more and more.
Paige started wearing 6-12 month clothes and she is in size 3 diapers. She is our big little girl. I love all her rolls and squishiness. Hayley and Evelyn were both on the little side so it has been fun to have a chunky babe too. At her check-up last month, the Doctor picked her up and handed her to me after examining her and said my back must hurt after carrying her around all day. Haha I do get tired holding her sometimes but I don't do it all day long.
Paige is a pro at rolling from her stomach to her back but cannot figure out how to get back to her back. If she gets tired she just puts her head down. I have caught her sleeping on her stomach a couple times now too. She can also sit up on her own now. She has gotten very touchy and grabby the past few weeks.
She has started to enjoy food a little more. It has been a rough start, she didn't seem to be very interested, but it has gotten better. She still doesn't eat very much when I do feed her but she at least will open up for it now. If I don't feed her food she usually needs to nurse in the middle of the night. I think food helps her stomach stay full longer. Other than that she is sleeping for 8-10 hours every night. Her naps have been sporadic and sometimes they are long and other times not so much. Since she doesn't sleep through things as well anymore we may have to have her take naps other than the same room that Dan studies in. She doesn't really use her binky for its intended purpose. I put it in and she just takes it out, sticks her two fingers in, and holds it. It's almost more of a little comfort object for her.
Whenever we pick her up, she sticks her arms in the air and it makes it hard to grab her. No idea why she does it, but she has for a couple months now and we wish she wouldn't cause it almost feels like we are gonna drop her one of these times cause she's just gonna slide right on through. Little girl needs to keep her arms down.
She loves bath time and splashing in the water. I finally put her in the swimming pool this past week and she loved it too. We let the water heat up during the girls' nap time and it was warm enough for her to get in. She looked adorable in her swimsuit.
Her hair is getting longer but still not very thick, it is pretty whispy. I thought it might start lightening up but it has stayed light brown. Her eyes seem to change colors. Sometimes they look gray or light blue and other times hazel.
Paige is always happy to see anyone. She lights up and always smiles or giggles. She has started making the fun pterodactyl sound when she gets excited. She also does this kind of tremble movement when she is excited too. It's so cute. She likes playing peek a boo, especially with her feet.
Third one to wear this hat.
Getting some Grandma loves.
She loves bath time.
She could not get enough of this popsicle.
Babies in beanies are the best!
We cannot get enough of this adorable little girl! So grateful she is part of our family. She gives me calm moments that I so desperately need.

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