Monday, August 8, 2022

Sojourn to Utah: June & July 2022

Another fabulous trip to Utah in the books. It was longer than originally planned, but I'm not complaining. I needed to be there by June 10th to attend the HIGH Fitness Instructor Convention. Dan was originally going to take his Step 2 test in Texas but changed to take in Utah so we could stay there a couple weeks after and see his sister, Audrey, who came at the end of July.

The girls and I packed up and left on June 7th, stayed in Monticello overnight, and made it to my parent's house in the afternoon on June 8th. Per usual, I'm going to let photos do most of the talking.

June 8th

June 9th
They all fit in the queen size bed in the "pink room."

June 10th & 11th
Woke up early this morning to head to Provo for the HIGH Fitness instructor convention! I had been looking forward to this for years (yes, years since it had been postponed twice due to COVID). It was super fun to be surrounded by so many amazing instructors. I loved learning from others, making new friends, and strengthening the friendships I already had. It was the BEST two days!

June 12th 
First Sunday in Utah and it was great! I love going back to my parents' ward, it definitely feels like coming home. We had dinner at Paul and Becky's that evening.

June 13th
We played around at my parents' house all day. I went and did some photos and reels in the evening for a HIGH Fitness event that I was part of at the end of the month.

June 14th
My Mom, Nikkole and her boys, and my girls and me met up with Andrea and her boys at Thanksgiving Point late this morning. It wasn't too terribly hot so it was a good day to wander around outside and look at the dinosaurs. The girls loved it. We went to Chick-Fil-A afterwards for lunch and they all passed out on the drive home. Then, no surprise, I went to my favorite weekly HIGH class with Jenna, Jezz, and Kelli.
Paige wasn't too sure about getting close to them.
It was fun to run into my mission president's wife while there.

June 15th
First day at Cherry Hill today with Grandma Becky and our girl cousins. We got Chick-Fil-A (yes, again cause we can never have enough ha) and ate it at Becky's house after. I did a Barre class that evening and convinced my Mom to come with me.
Use my five pound weights the whole class!

June 16th
I took the girls to the park this morning, it was good to get out of the house. I met up with my former mission companion, Ashley, at Rooster's in Ogden at 5:00 for dinner. Then we went and saw Jurassic World afterwards. It's always good to catch up with her.

June 17th
I got some new fitness pictures taken this morning, so I got ready right after getting up and drove down to American Fork to get them done. I had lunch with the photographer, Lyndsey, after and she let me pick her brain about doing fitness photos. It was a good time and she is an amazing person! In the evening we went to a car show in Bountiful. There were food trucks and fun booths set up so we did that before the parade started. My girls have whimpy ears so they did not like when the cars would rev their engines and we left before it was over, which was fine because I took them over to Grandma Becky's to have a sleepover with their cousins.
Courtesy of Lyndsey Kaye Photo.
The girls got their faces painted and they were amazing. Jewels and sparkles included.

June 18th
The girls had a great time with their cousins and Grandma Becky last night at their sleepover. Too good of a time because they didn't sleep much ha. I picked them up around lunch time.

June 19th
It was a hard day to spend Father's Day away from Dan. But we got to talk to him for quite a while and that was good. I am grateful I got to spend it with my Dad because that hasn't happened in years. We made sure to make a visit to Paul and Becky's too.

June 21st
Took the girls to another park this morning, one that was more shaded. We rode the electric scooters there and back and that was fun. I tried a Cardio Fuse class from my friend, Kimmy, at the Ogden Vasa. It was fun. I really like it and wish someone taught it in Lubbock. Then we went over to Joe and Glo's house to check out the playground they are putting in. The girls love their house.

June 22nd
Another morning/early afternoon spent at Cherry Hill. Then barre class that evening and I got my Mom to come with me again.
It's so nice that Hayley is big enough to take Eve around the lazy river by themselves.

June 24th
We spent the day playing at my parent's. Luke and Todd were there too. The girls had fun playing school with Grandpa (aka Mr. Sir haha) and Luke. Then we went to Cherry Hill that evening where we ran into the Fishers. It was fun to see them and catch up!
June 25th
Did a HIGH class this morning and got to see my friend, Cassie, from our newlywed days. We spent the rest of the day at my parent's playing.

June 26th
Celebrated nine years of marriage with Dan 1,000 miles apart. Missed him terribly today.

June 28th
Finally had the HIGH Fitness Light It Up Event tonight at Syracuse High School. It was so much fun! It was great to meet so many HIGH instructors and be able to teach with them. I also took some photos and am happy with how they turned out for my first time photographing an event. 

June 30th
The girls had a pool day at my parent's with their cousins, Luke and Todd. They love playing with them. It's fun to watch them together. They also like water balloons and just tossing them out of the pool onto the grass ha. We went to dinner at Zupas with the girl cousins and Grandma Becky. After dinner we walked over to Build-A-Bear (Farmington Station) and the girls got to pick out an outfit for their bears.
Paige and Luke were tickling each other.

July 1st
I went to breakfast with my dear friend, Amber, at Kneaders. I love their sourdough pancakes so I try to go there at least once while visiting. Amber is one of those friends I know came into my life for a reason. I need her and the woman she is in my life. Grateful our paths crossed and we can spend time together when I visit. We spent some of the later afternoon washing cars (ours was super gross from driving here). Then I spent the evening and into the early morning, 9:00 PM-2:00 AM, in the Ogden temple with some of my former coworkers. I love seeing them and catching up with them as well. It's great to be able to go back there. That was truly the best job I'll ever have had.
And a happy birthday to my Grandpa Larry in heaven.
The OG Temple cleaning crew.

July 3rd
It was a fabulous fast Sunday at church. The girls and I were our patriotic dresses to church. We had a delicious dinner after church and the girls spent some time in the tub before bed.

July 4th
Happy Birthday America! And Grandma Becky. Started the morning off doing some HIGH Fitness in my friend's Mom's backyard. So grateful Jamie lets us use her tennis court. Then we went to the parade, which sadly ended early because of the tragic accident that happened. We went to Grandma Becky's to have lunch for her birthday after the parade. We did some sparklers and pop-its and then waited for the fireworks to start. It was a late night for the girlies but a great day!

July 5th
We spent the morning playing at my parent's house. It was kind of a long day with the kiddos since they were up late the night before. I took my friend Amber's extended family photos that evening and then headed to HIGH right after.
Accidentally showed up twinning.

July 6th
Surprise, another morning at Cherry Hill with Brittany, Hadley, Quincy, and Presley. Unfortunately Grandma Becky couldn't join us anymore because she had surgery on her ACL at the end of June.

July 7th
We got to have a play date at the Hayward's house. It makes me so happy that the girls get along with their cousins and they each have a friend. We did lunch there and then spent the rest of the day at my parent's.

July 8th
We had a play date with my friend Lindsay and her kids, Reese, Mac, and Gage, this morning/afternoon. I love catching up with Lindsay. We have been friends since high school and we can always just pick up like we spent yesterday together. It's the best and I cherish her and her friendship. 
Our middle children didn't want to be in the photo.

July 9th
Did HIGH Fitness this morning and Jenna's Saturday morning class is a blast. Great way to start my day. Matt and Andrea arrived a little before lunch time, along with Mike and Nikkole, and we got the pools out and the kiddies all played in the yard together. I love being able to spend time with my nephews! We went to dinner at Mexican Restaurant, it was decent. And then after dinner we had all the Haywards over, along with my fam that was already there, to celebrate Hayley's birthday. We had donuts and did gifts. It was simple but fun.
This was craft time with Grandma before everyone went home.

July 10th
At this point in our trip I was really missing Dan. Despite having help from my parents, which I am beyond grateful for, it was still getting hard to be the only parent and do things somewhat on my own. So at church I had a breakdown and cried during the entire second hour. A lot of emotions were coming out - missing Dan, also being worried about him going on away rotations for months this fall, wondering how to balance between feeling like I deserved blessings from God for doing what was right and letting His will be done either way. It did feel good to let it out, but I hate crying. I'm grateful for a dear friend, Jessica, who came over after church and told me about energy healing. More on that to come. After church we all took naps.

July 11th
Happy seventh birthday to my Hayley Hays! She wanted to go to Cherry Hill so Nikkole and her boys, Andrea and her boys, Brittany and her girls, and my Mom all joined us. It was a party. Lots of kids haha. For dinner Hayley wanted to go to Wendy's, so we did that. Then my Mom took the older two back to Cherry Hill with Nikkole and her boys and I stayed home with Paige.

July 12th
My friend, Jessica, that came over on Sunday after church and told me about energy healing made an appointment with me to do it. So she picked me up in the morning and we went over to Michelle's house where I got to experience this. She started by explaining to me that everything is energy and has an energy, which makes sense I just hadn't really thought of it on such a deep level. The first thing we did was use her ZYTO and she gave me a ZYTO report, which is a wellness report that includes which essential oils would be helpful for me personally and what I need more of in my diet (i.e. amino acids) or what I can get rid of (i.e. pesticides). Then we did some emotion code and I released some trapped emotions. I thought I was good at dealing with my emotions and letting them go in order to feel, deal, heal; but apparently some of them go deeper than I thought. I wouldn't go into that much more, but I do want to say that it was therapeutic and has given me a lot think about and process.

July 13th
Today was a good day because Hayley got her cast off! And it was a tender mercy how this all worked out too. Last summer, in Utah, at swim lessons I met the wife an orthopedic surgeon. She gave me her number to reach out if we needed any resources or help in the med school journey and after I called our insurance company to see what our options were to do this in Utah I remembered her, sent her a text explaining the situation, and she immediately told her husband and had his office call me to set up an appointment. It was such a blessing! I am so grateful for good people and those little non-coincidences. We got X-rays done after her cast was removed (the x-ray tech was the Mom of a friend from high school so it was fun to catch up with her) and everything looked good so no splint. We got some ice cream/smoothies from Twisted Sugar after and headed back to Grandma Becky's to pick up the other two (she watched Eve and Paige for me while we were at the appointment).

July 14th
I went to another super fun event, Better Together, tonight that was put together by Kelli and Jenna. They did an awesome job and it was a blast! UpBeat Barre and HIGH Fitness came together to do this event so we did a half workout of HIGH, barre, and HIGH Yo. It as fun to meet new friends and be with other instructors, per usual!

July 15th
I woke up early this morning to hit up a 7:00 AM HIGH class with my girl Shelly. Dan was prepping for his Step Two test tomorrow so I helped him study a little bit in the evening by asking him questions. I am truly blown away by how much information these medical students are supposed to know. Because they haven't chosen a specialty yet this test is on EVERYTHING they have learned thus far and then some. I am amazed and impressed by Dan and his desire to become a Doctor.

July 16th
Dan took his Step Two exam today. He hadn't been feeling super good since getting here from Texas and he said the last hour or two of his test he felt like he was going to throw up but he powered through. So that wasn't the greatest news but at least it's over now. I went to Jenna's HIGH class this morning and modified quite a bit because my body was feeling it after working out so much this week. Once Dan got back from taking his test we met up with his family at Winger's and had a celebratory dinner, even though Dan didn't eat anything.

July 17th
It was great to be able to have Dan at church with us. My Mom told me that someone had told her that she thought I was getting a divorce since I had been there by myself, so this person was relieved when they saw Dan with us ha. After church it was a little overcast so the girls played outside with some bubble wands and their little umbrellas we got at Target.

July 18th
Convinced my Mom to go to Build-A-Bear since I had a coupon. The girls ended up getting new friends and outfits, when the original plan was just outfits. Surprise ha. Luke and Todd were over today so Luke joined us too.
Making wishes!

July 20th
Met my dear friend Amber at a splash pad this afternoon. It was fun to chat with her and let my girls run around and play in the water. I had to cut our visit a little short though because I took some family and fitness photos for my girl Kallee. Her family is darling and she is an amazing instructor that I look up to lots. Then I went to Kelli and Jenna's barre class and did some photos for them as well. 

July 21st
We got our family photos done at FotoFly this morning. I wanted to get some that I didn't have to edit, and I think the last time that happened was when Paige was a baby. FotoFly is more affordable and it was quick and easy since it was inside a home. I love how they turned out! We met up with some of Dan's (and mine since we were friends too ha) high school friends at a pool and had some pizza. It was fun to catch up with everyone, since I only see them once a year.
Just had our own mini DHS reunion.

July 22nd
Finally got my parent's boat on the lake today! We went to Pine View and had a great time, well most of us did haha Luke and Todd were with us and they were ready to leave from the moment we got there. But my girls love Grandpa's boat. Dan proved he can still land his backflip on the wakeboard and I proved I can still slalom ski ha. Eve was the only one who really enjoyed the tube so I rode it with her and we had a blast.

July 23rd
Annual Hayward Hooligan Day! One of my favorite days of the year is this day because we get to celebrate our hooligans. I went to HIGH this morning and while I showered and got ready Dan took them to the trampoline park. I ran some errands with my Mom and then she dropped me off there and I caught the end of them jumping around. We got Slurpees and Chick-Fil-A afterwards. Then we came back home and the girls played some Nintendo with Dan. Hayley got invited to go to a rodeo with our awesome neighbors so I took Evelyn and Paige to Cherry Hill and then Kneaders for dinner after. It was a good day and we had fun.

July 25th
Celebrated Pioneer Day today since it was yesterday, on a Sunday. We hit up Bowman's for breakfast because it's tradition and then went to Cherry Hill afterwards. It was fun to have Dan join us there and for the girls to show him all the progress they had made swimming this summer. Hadley joined us too. I taught a pop-up Surge class at the Fox's backyard tennis court that evening. It was fun even though my besties were the only ones that showed up. I am grateful I can count on them and that I have such good people in my corner. Amber and I went to Fiiz after the class and sat and chatted for a while. I love her!
Can't get over that sunset!

July 26th
Dan and I went to City Creek this morning before I needed to be back for my second energy healing appointment with Michelle. It was fabulous and again gave me a lot to think about and insight to myself and the person I am. Then we met up with his family at the Bountiful Temple to do sealings. Audrey, Dan's sister, made it town last night and so this was something Becky wanted to do while most of us (missed you Steve!) were here together. We went to The Mandarin for dinner afterwards. I love that place! It's so good. Then we hurried home so I could hit up my last HIGH class with Kelli, Jenna, and Jezz.
It was just a little bright.
I seriously love these women. Wish I could bring them back to Lubbock with me.

July 27th
It was a busy last day in Utah for us. We went to Lagoon with Dan's family and had a blast. It had been a while since I had been on some of those roller coasters and I forgot how much I enjoy them. Hayley was really brave and did all of the big ones too. I am so proud of her. Eve wanted to but she wasn't tall enough. We had lunch there and left around 4:00 PM so Dan could meet up with friends to go golfing and I could get ready to go to another event, Of Love. I was supposed to meet up with Amber but she had too much going on and didn't make it so I went by myself. I found friends there though and it was super fun. I took some photos for my friend Trenton and won a giveaway! I had to go to Twisted Sugar one last time and I barely made it there before it closed ha.

July 28th
I spent the morning packing everything up. Dan took the girls over to his parent's to say goodbye. We finally rolled out around 11:30 AM. We did our usual stop for gas and lunch in Spanish Fork. We ate our Cafe Rio in Cortez when we stopped for gas there, and we made it back home around 5:00 AM on July 29th. 

It definitely stinks to leave home, because Utah will forever be my home, but it'll be mostly good to get back into our space and the routine of life. Although Dan starts all his rotations so maybe not ha. I hate goodbyes and they never get easier.

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