Thursday, May 5, 2022

Evelyn: Five Years

Evelyn walks to the beat of her own drum. She does what she wants when she wants to, and it can be hard to change her mind. She has sass and attitude and it will either get her in trouble or keep her confident.
Evelyn still has the best laugh. It is so contagious and you can't help but laugh when she does. She laughs when she is tickled, you tell a joke, make a funny face, etc. When she doesn't want to laugh then don't bother trying to get her to. She'll get upset instead and do everything in her power not to laugh.
When Evelyn isn't making us laugh or when she isn't playing, she is probably doing something mischievous. She tests my patience almost daily but you gotta give her points for being curious and creative.
Evelyn loves dressing up! She wants all the princess dresses, shoes, and even asks me to put "lips" on her sometimes. She enjoys twirling around in her dresses and acting like a princess or queen. She has interesting clothing choices sometimes and it can be a battle for me to get her to wear things that match. Some days I don't wanna fight so she looks the way she does cause she chose to.
Evelyn is a movie lover. She could watch them all day everyday if I let her. She enjoys playing with barbies, anything mermaid or unicorn, and stuffed animals. One of her favorite things she got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa is a squishmallow pillow. She takes it almost everywhere even though it is basically as big as her. She likes real animals as well. She likes to play with them when they're at the park or go visit people who have them. She has an amazing imagination and sometimes I like to just sit and watch/listen to her play. She likes riding her bike and learned how to do so without training wheels. She loves playing in the water - pool, beach, sprinklers, bath tub, you name it. She likes to play by herself, but does well playing with others too.
Evelyn is wearing 4T and 5T clothes. 5T is a little big on her but it works. Her hair gets super blonde over the summer from being in the sun. It still has a little curl to it but there is no rhyme or reason in the curl, it's just random. I noticed a few months ago that her eyes are actually two different colors. You have to look closely at them (but don't say anything to her about it!), but one is a little more green/brown and the other is blue.
Evelyn's favorite place to eat is Chick-Fil-A. She wants to eat there pretty much every day. She loves putting Chick-Fil-A sauce on everything. She still loves yogurt and cheese. She isn't much of a vegetable eater but does a good job of eating fruit, even without me suggesting it.
Evelyn did a great job in preschool this past year! I am so impressed with all she has learned and how quickly she is growing. She had a great experience at St. Luke's and loves her teachers there. She enjoyed going to school and wished she went more than just the two days a week. I was worried how she would do, and the first couple days were hard for her to say goodbye, but she got over that pretty quick once she got to know her teachers and classmates. She still struggles in primary a little, I'm not entirely sure why though.

We catch her watching TV in the weirdest spots sometimes.
She got a gnarly bruise from falling down the bunk bed stairs.
She loves her Grandpa something fierce.
Swimming lessons.
Just throwing a fit at the aquarium. One of those, "Whose kid is that?" moments.
The dream catchers the girls made at Grandma's house.
My matching swim babies.
First day of preschool.
We went boating (in September, Texas isn't all bad) with a couple in our ward and they brough these wheat things and Evelyn just sat and ate them just about the whole evening.
Playing doctor with Dad.
Superhero day at school!
Primary program.
She didn't want to sing in her Christmas program so she ended up sitting with me the whole time. Poor girl gets stage fright.
Cousin sleepover at Grandma Becky's.
Sometimes Eve likes to crawl into Paige's crib, with and without her in it.
Found them sleeping out by the fire.
Eve barfed in the car. Hopefully it was the first and last time.
She looks like an angel when she sleeps.

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