Saturday, October 22, 2022

Paige: Three Years

Paige is three! She will always be my baby though. We all adore her and I can't imagine life without her!

Paige is what little girls are made of: sugar, spice, and everything nice. She is sweet but can also give some attitude. I never know which one I'm going to get and it can vary from one minute to the next. She is shy around new people and in new places, but once she is comfortable she shines. It makes me a little sad that most people don't get to see her full personality because of how reserved she is. Nursery is rough, she doesn't stay the whole time unless I'm in there. She will start crying as soon as Sacrament is over cause she knows and always asks to come to my class instead. It'll be interesting to see how she does with primary next year.
Paige has turned into the epitome of the youngest child this past year. She gets what she wants more often than not. It's hard for me to say no to her and I am to the point that I'd rather make her happy than put up with tears. It's crazy how much more lax I have become with her and makes me laugh at myself seeing that this third child life is real and not necessarily something I did on purpose - it just happened! She has learned LOTS from her older sisters too. Lately, when she wants something she tells me, "I'll give you a dollar," if I give it to her. Oh clever little girl! She makes me laugh, especially since she doesn't even know what that entails.
Paige has been in her 3T clothes for the past few months. She has a long torso so her 2T shirts weren't covering her belly anymore ha. I am dreading potty training her. She asks to wear her panties occasionally and I will go along with it until about the third accident and then I'm done for the day. She still sucks on her two fingers and we're working on breaking her of that.
Paige enjoys to dance around to music. She still does her break dancing type moves and handstands/almost front hand springs. I need to put her in gymnastics or dance. She enjoys dressing up and doing all the girly things: having her nails done, wearing lip gloss/makeup, carrying around a purse. She likes to play with dolls, Barbies, stuffed animals. She likes looking through books and singing songs. She often asks me to put "I Love To See the Temple" on the living room TV. She likes to play outside with her sisters, whether at the park or on the trampoline. She enjoys swimming, boating, being in the bath tub - basically all things water.
Paige is very hit or miss with food. She will eat lots one day and hardly anything the next. And what she likes one day she may not want at all the next. It's quite the guessing game so I'll give her almost whatever she wants cause I just want her to eat.
Paige is my little snuggle buddy. She will still fall asleep in my arms and almost always has to be sitting next to me or on my lap. I enjoy it 90% of the time but 10% of the time I would prefer not to be touched or sat on ha. She is my shadow. While Dan has been gone on his rotations she has ended up in our bed with me and I'm not complaining. She is a huge blessing that God knew I needed since one of my love languages is touch.
Paige loves her sisters. She cries when Hayley goes to school (if she is awake) and when we drop Evelyn off. She misses them when they're gone and gets excited when they come back.
You can always find Paige's buddy (her sloth) and her blanket nearby. She hardly goes anywhere without them, and they always make her feel better. She has to have them to sleep (as you can see in the photos below). I only let her take a nap when she's super tired. She doesn't fall asleep as well at night anymore if she nap. She was the fastest to get rid of nap time. I don't think she needs as much sleep as her sisters.

Buddy between her toes and her leg resting on her other leg.
At'l Do Farm!
She loved having her cousins at her house.
Nap time with her is my favorite.
Out of bed when she shouldn't be and trying to hide.
Always wanting to pose with her sisters.
She wasn't too sure about Lagoon at first.
Playing with her cousin Presley.
She fell asleep on my head.
In time out at Grandma's. Haha no one wants to go sit on the bucket.
Suckers at the Doctor's office.
Easter dress and basket.
Playing with our friend, Oli.

She wanted to hold my hand.
Napping at Sea World with her favorite.
Talking on the phone to Dad at the gym.
Selfies with Hayley.
She's a little obsessed with Elsa.
Having lunch with Hayley at her school.

Paigers is the best! Can't believe she is three years old. She is my sunshine.

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