Friday, October 22, 2021

Paige: Two Years

The fact that my baby is two is kind of breaking my Mama heart a little. I have absolutely loved Paige at this stage! I feel like I have been able to soak it in more because I'm not pregnant or have a newborn. She is my little sunshine!

Paigers is my little snuggle buddy. Oh I love that she will grab her blanket and come and sit on my lap and let me hold her. She is the best about snuggling! And I hope she never grows out of it. She will even fall asleep in my arms occasionally still. It makes my heart so happy and I love the still moments I can soak her in. I think COVID had a pretty big part in that but I enjoy it when my arms aren't needed for other things.
Paige is still sucking on her two fingers. Someone tell me how to break that habit! Besides her buddy (Slumberkins sloth) that is what comforts her when she is upset.
Paige is the best eater out of our three girls but she doesn't eat as much as she used to. She has gotten fairly good at using a spoon, still struggles with a fork. It is fun to watch her use one. When things fall off she will often use her fingers to put it back on.
One thing that I think Paige will have a gift for is anticipating needs. She has already surprised me with this a few times. There was one day when I was getting ready to take the trash outside and I have some shoes by the back door to take it out and when she saw me getting the bags out of the garbage she grabbed my shoes and brought them to me without me asking her.
Paige is an obedient little girl, most of the time, too. She is helpful when I ask her to do things for me. She comforts her sisters, whether they want her to or not, when they are sad or upset. She is good about sharing. Goodness I love her and her sweetness.
For the past few months she will get little bursts of energy and start running around and/or break dancing. It is hilarious to watch and always has us laughing. She likes to hang on to the couch or a bed and bend forward and point back one of her toes. She spins in circles until she falls over. She is some good entertainment.
Paige's vocabulary exploded the past couple months. Sometimes she will surprise us with words she knows. She can talk in sentences and is good at understanding what we want her to do. She often talks about Hayley, her Dad, and Evelyn being at school, or home when they come back. I don't think she knows what to do when it's just the two of us at home ha.
Paige loves all things Minnie Mouse. She enjoys watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We have little board books that are Minnie and she carries them just about everywhere and enjoys looking at them and having me read them to her. Besides carrying her buddy everywhere she has also started carrying a blanket Matt and Andrea gave Hayley years ago. 
Paige just barely sized up to size five diapers and is in 2T clothes. She has a long torso (she's a little Hayward) and so I have to put bigger shirts on her so they cover her cute, round belly. Hayley put on some 12 month jammies recently and it was funny to see her walking around with her belly hanging out. She seems to like wearing dresses, just like her sisters. 

Evelyn thought she needed to be in a princess dress.
Just having a little meltdown.
She fell asleep like this.
Just making a big, smoothie mess.
First drive in movie.
Hayley gave her a nice hair dye (with hair chalk).
I couldn't believe she was willing eating salad.
Playing Doctor with Dad.
Wouldn't let me leave her side at Build-A-Bear.
Minnie Mouse from Grandma Susan and a birthday bear because why not?

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