Monday, November 8, 2021

Sojourn to (Dallas &) Nashville

This past weekend was a dream come true! I am truly grateful for my in-laws for making it happen for us, especially my MIL for coming to watch our girls while Dan and I were gone. Feeling loads of gratitude for them and the wonderful people they are.
Dan had the opportunity to present some research at a orthopedic surgeon conference that was being held in Nashville and asked if I wanted to tag along. I figured why not since his parents volunteered to help make it a reality. We had had this trip planned for over a month when I got a message from IVL Collective, I'm an ambassador for them, saying they were coming to Texas with HIGH Fitness. Once I found out that it was the day before Dan and I were already flying to Nashville I made arrangements to get my flight changed and be in Dallas a day earlier. Thank you to my dear friends Marisa, for watching my children for a hot minute before Dan got home, and Sara, for taking me to the airport.
The event was super fun and I am truly grateful it worked out for me to be there! I was able to meet some friends I have made via social media in real life and make some new ones. Plus it's always a good time when Emily (the co-creator of HIGH) is in the building. 

The best night in Prosper, TX!
Emily, a co creator of HIGH.
I stayed with Dan's cousin and his wife, Ryan and Kylee, in Forney that evening. It was great to catch up with them and they are so kind to let me crash at their place for a night. As Ryan pointed out, I adulted pretty hardcore and I would have to agree since I flew by myself for the first time and got a rental car. I don't feel old enough for this stuff and wonder if I ever will?
I headed to the airport fairly early Thursday morning to turn my car back in and get on a plane to Austin, where I met up with Dan. We got some breakfast in the airport between flights. Once we got to Nashville we got our rental car (which smelled awful! like sweaty gym socks/stinky feet) and headed to our hotel. Dan headed to his orthopedic surgeon conference and I took a little nap until he was done. We ate dinner with one of the residents that was out there for the conference as well at Merchant's. I really liked the vibe of that place. The food was good but nothing life changing. It was fun to stroll along Broadway and hear all the music that was playing. Such a lively street, reminded me a little of a mini Las Vegas strip.
The last time we flew without kids was in 2016 (when we only had Hayley), before that was our honeymoon.
We went to Kroger and got a couple snacks for the weekend and when we got back to our hotel we watched a little TV before calling it a night.
Friday morning I took Dan to his conference and dropped him off so that I could have the car. I went to an Upbeat Barre class that a HIGH instructor in Nashville told me about. It was fun to meet her and the barre instructor, who is also a HIGH instructor. I love having this community of people no matter where I go!
I went back to the hotel after, ate some lunch, took a nice bubble bath, took a quick nap, and just relaxed until it was time to pick Dan up. I cannot explain how wonderful it was to answer to no one and be able to soak in the stillness. Oh it did me good!
Dan and I met up with his resident friend, Steven, again for dinner at Hattie B's. It was recommended to us by a few people and it was pretty darn good. We went back to the hotel after dinner and watched TV again until it was time for bed. Dan had some notes to jot down and I was fine to do some more of nothing ha.
Saturday morning I took Dan to the conference again, and then after I got breakfast I went to my new friend Jenah's HIGH Low class. She is the cutest instructor and I found out we certified at the same virtual training. I know it may seem ridiculous to some, but I cannot imagine my life without HIGH and everything it has opened. 
Dan got done with the conference a little early so I picked him up after I showered. We decided to go to the Pfunky Griddle for lunch, Jenah recommended it to me, and it did not disappoint. There was a griddle in the middle of every table and you got to make your own breakfast food. It was fun and Dan especially enjoyed it.
After our very filling lunch, we headed to the Andrew Jackson Hermitage to get a tour of his mansion. It was fascinating to be in a house that was almost 200 years old and had things in it that were over 200 years old. After the tour we watched a quick movie in the museum about his life and then we headed to the Gibson Garage. That place was rad! There were guitars everywhere! Some were hanging from a moving conveyer belt that moved along the ceiling. Dan played a $2700 guitar and boy did it sound pretty.
Andrew Jackson's mansion.
Our hotel was right next to a mall so we decided to go there for a little bit before we were hungry for dinner. We ate dinner at the Green Hills Grille, which was nice and the food was good but it seemed a little overpriced. I found out on our way back to the hotel that we were super close to a Trader Joe's the whole time and I was fairly annoyed that I didn't think to check if there was one there because I love that place! Oh well. 
We were both pretty tired when we got back to the hotel. We were able to kind of sleep in the next morning despite Daylight Savings Time but once we were awake we were awake. We got breakfast, showered, packed up our stuff and decided to head to the airport. It was either wait in our hotel or the airport. We flew to Dallas, got some dinner there and video chatted with my family for a minute, and then finally made it back home to Lubbock around 7:00 PM.
My attempt at getting a photo of the sunset, this does not do it justice.
It was great to see the girls again! I missed them but I also didn't. Only parents will understand that one. Again, I'm grateful for Grandma Becky for taking such great care of them and our house while we were gone. She is an angel! She took the girls to the trampoline park, At'l Do Farms, the library, the park, the temple after church, Costco, and spoiled them good!
Now back to reality and I am already wishing I had another vacation to look forward to ha.

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