Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sojourn to Utah & Colorado: End of May-June 2021

Because a lot was packed in to our time in Utah and Colorado I am, once again, going to let my pictures tell most of what our time was spent doing.
Hayley had her last day of Kindergarten on May 21st so we left on the 22nd after she was back from a birthday party that was that morning. We said goodbye to Dan for a couple weeks and I drove myself and the girls to Cortez, Colorado where we spent the night. We finished our drive on the 23rd and arrived at my parent's house around 2:00 in the afternoon. 

May 24
We spent lots of time in the hammocks at Grandma and Grandpa's.
May 26
Britney night!
May 27
Evelyn was super happy to be reunited with her best bud.
May 29
Napping buddies.
May 31
Started Memorial Day with HIGH Fitness at Cori Fox's Mom's tennis court (she is so nice to let us use it!). So grateful for everyone who comes when I'm in town. 
Love being able to see this girl! She is a warrior and my hero.
The best way to start off Memorial Day!
And then the girls had a fun little splash bash in Grandma and Grandpa's yard before we went to Hayward's for dinner. 
June 1
June 2
We went and visited my BF from high school, Lindsay Pontius, and our kids got to play together. I love seeing Linds and getting to catch up with her. I'm so grateful we have kept in touch despite the distance and how long we go without seeing each other.
Gage and Paige, gonna be married one day and I can't wait!
June 3
We took our monthly balloon pack from Aunt Andrea to Utah with us to blow up and enjoy there.
June 4 & 5
Jenna let me teach with her at a class in Mantua. Our old wardies from Ogden, Cassie and Spencer, live there now and it was so fun to have all our kids back together, and actually meet all of them ha. 
I went to Hype Night at Thanksgiving Point with a couple HIGH friends, and while I was there having a sleepover my girls had one with their cousins at Grandma Becky's (minus Paige cause I figured it would be easier to keep her in a bed she was somewhat familiar with at this point). 
Hype Night was a BLAST! It was so good for my heart and soul to spend time around so many amazing women, and a couple men, and then be able to hang out with my girlfriends and go to bed at the wee hours of the morning without having the consequences of waking up to kids. 
June 6
Our wonderful neighbors, the Isoms, invited us over for Sunday dinner. They had their cute granddaughter staying with them so the girls all played together. I had a wonderful conversation with Ally after dinner too. She is one of my heroes and I love and admire her so much!
June 7
Caught up with mi compa at Winger's. We basically choose where we're going to dinner based on dessert and I love it. Always good to see her and so grateful for the influence she is in my life!
June 8
Hayley did a three day track camp at Davis High with her cousin. Coach Hayward was able to be there for two days of it as well. 
I went to Hillary's HIGH class tonight. It's been fun to reconnect with her through HIGH. She is awesome!
June 9
Kelli and I were feeling the tie dye tonight.
June 10
Hayley and Evelyn did swimming lessons at a pool in my parent's neighborhood. I was hoping they would both be able to swim when the two weeks were over but at least they are more comfortable in the water. Hayley has progressed a lot and it really helped her build her confidence.
My dear friend, Hannah, moved to Texas (nowhere near me unfortunately) and so we had a Goodbye HIGH party for her. It was great! She is already so missed!
June 11
June 12
Girl cousins with their matching buns.
June 13
Paige let Hayley do the buttons up on her dress and I thought it was adorable.
June 14
I went to breakfast at Kneaders with my new BF, Amber. (Gotta enjoy those sourdough pancakes when I can.) We found out that she was actually one of the L & D nurses at Evelyn's birth and she went to nursing school with my sister. So crazy! I love her and this new friendship we have formed!
We went and visited Dan's mission president, who were also in our ward when we lived in Kaysville. They are absolutely wonderful people, so genuine and loving. It's a pleasure to be in their home and catch up with them.
I braved Cherry Hill by myself with the girls for a couple hours. Becky gave us passes for Christmas so we used them up while we were there.
June 15
We spent a good chunk of the morning at Thanksgiving Point's Curiosity Museum. My Mom, Nikkole and her boys, and us all rode down in my Pilot (it's the best car ever). Andrea and her boys met us there. It was super fun and the girls loved it. 
June 16
Another morning spent at Cherry Hill.
Evelyn pretending to be a ballerina with the tube as her tutu.
I took Hayley and Hadley down Cardiac Canyon.
Dan and I went on a date to Carlos and Harley's in Eden. Paul was kind enough to let us borrow his corvette for the occasion. It was nice to go on a date with Dan. We don't get to do that often and I love it when we do.
June 17
Spent the morning at Cherry Hill with Candace and her kids. I am glad she reached out to me to meet up there. It's always good to see friends and catch up with them. I cannot believe my childhood friend and I have kids who are friends though! How did we get this old?
June 18
Just chilling with tiny Todd. Makes me sad he doesn't know me.
June 19
June 20
We went to my parent's ward for church and then had Father's Day dinner at Peter and Brittany's house, which was delicious. The girls were in heaven there playing with all their cousin's toys and dress ups.
June 22
We spent the afternoon and into the evening at Lagoon. Dan and my parents held on to Paige so I could take Hayley and Evelyn. We met Jenna and her kids there. It was a blast! It took Evelyn a few rides to get comfortable but it was great once she did.
The one ride I really wanted to take them on: Rattlesnake Rapids.
Seriously love this girl so much! She is everything I aspire to be!
And then I taught one more HIGH class with Jenna, Jezz, and Kell. I convinced them all to get the same biker shorts as me. 
June 23
We had a great morning at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium and then made a quick trip through IKEA since we were already down that way. 
June 24
June 25
We left for Colorado (Steamboat Springs) at around 9:30 in the morning and made it there around 5:00. We had lunch in Vernal at Country Grub and let me tell you, they know how to make some dang good sandwiches. Once we got there we got some dinner and then Nikkole and I went grocery shopping with my Dad. We discussed things we wanted to do for the next few days and then went to bed.
June 26
This morning we went to the farmer's market, and we took the bus to get there. It was the girls' first time riding one. The farmer's market was fun. Lots of fun things to look at and taste.
Dan and I celebrated eight years of marriage by going to dinner at a nice this placed called Ore House. I had thee best French Dip I have ever had. And they served cinnamon rolls, along with regular rolls for dinner, and I think everywhere should do that. It was wonderful to talk about our favorite parts of our marriage and look at how much we've done and how far we've come. I look forward to many more!
Happy eight years to us!
June 27
We streamed my parents' church for our Sabbath day worship and then had a chill day relaxing and playing around the hotel.
The kiddies got fun bath bombs and light up toys from Grandma.
Story time with Grandma.
June 28
We went to Old Town Hot Springs and enjoyed the nice, warm water. Steamboat was cooler than we had originally anticipated because of the cold front that came through. We left around lunch time and put Paige down for a nap and then I went back later that evening with Hayley, Evelyn, and my Dad. Matt, Andrea, and Nikkole met up with us later too.
Love being able to snuggle this cutie boy. I could just eat him up!
June 29
We went downtown in the morning through the early afternoon and wandered through all the shops. It reminded me of Main Street in Park City. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and packing all our stuff up. We left around 7:45 after we had eaten dinner. I hate saying goodbye to my family. It's the worst thinking about how big my nephews will be when I see them again and watching my girls cry as they say bye to my parents.
I just adore each and every one of them!
The rocks I painted for some random stranger to find and hopefully smile at.
A beautiful drive. Way better than going through NM.
Dan drove us for the first couple hours, then I drove for two hours, and then he drove us the rest of the way home. I thought it was only eight hours from home but it was 11. 
June 30
We got home around 8:30 AM and thankfully all took a good nap after unloading and putting away some things.

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