Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Paige: Eleven Months

I can't believe my baby girl is almost a year old!

Paige started crawling a few weeks ago and has been getting faster and going farther each day. It's fun to have her come find me or the girls but I also have to keep more of an eye on her now too. Her crawling is the cutest thing! And I'm terrible and get a little giggle when she stumbles over her arms and face plants.
Paige is a good eater. She gets super excited whenever the Puffs come out or her sippy cup is getting filled up. She really enjoys yogurt. I gave her some eggs and she seemed to like those too.
Paige is down to taking two naps a day, and occasionally has only had one. She goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 every night and sleeps 'til after 7:00 AM. She doesn't seem to wake up as much in the night anymore or just doesn't fuss if she does cause the monitor only wakes me up if she's crying (usually).
Poor little girl has had a bit of a runny nose for a little over a week. She also developed a bad enough rash on her bum that we had to take her in to get it looked at and it turned out to be a yeast infection.
Paige is wearing size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes. I am glad it stays warmer a little longer here so she can wear all the summer 12 month clothes we have.
Paige can give us knuckles and we are working on high fives. She will clap her hands when we say, "Yay Paige," and we are working on her raising her arms when we ask, "Who is so big?" She will bounce to the music every time some plays. Sometimes she bounces so much she gets airborne. She also enjoys break dancing ha, which is really just her rolling around from different sitting positions but it looks like break dancing sometimes. She is getting more fun every day.

I love watching this girl grow, even though I don't want her to.

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