Thursday, October 22, 2020

Paige: One Year

2020 has absolutely dragged on, but Paige turning one has also come a lot faster than I thought it would. We have thoroughly enjoyed having this little spirit bless our family and lives! Paige is truly the best!

Paige shows absolutely no signs of walking. She does not like to use her legs whatsoever so it will be interesting to see how long that lasts. Dan does a good job of making her stand on them to strengthen them. She has gotten super speedy at crawling though.
Paige wants to eat any and all food she sees. I have started giving her "adult" food now that she can mash some of it up with her gums. She still mostly eats baby food though. I keep waiting for more teeth to pop through, but so far she still only has her bottom two. She loves drinking out of her sippy cup and can drink with a straw too.
Paige is in 12 month clothes, probably for not much longer, and size 4 diapers. I don't think she's as chubby now that she is crawling. Kind of a bummer cause I love her chub.
Paige isn't saying words on purpose yet, but she makes the da, ma, ba sounds. And no, she is good at saying no even though it isn't intentional it is funny. 
Paige is an excellent sleeper at night. She goes down anywhere between 8:00 and 9:00 and sleeps til between 7:00 and 8:30. For the past couple weeks I haven't heard her wake up in the middle of the night either. So that is awesome but her naps are not so much. She rarely takes two anymore and if she does they rarely last longer than an hour. When she takes one nap it can be anywhere from 1-2 hours. Hayley and Evelyn take better naps than her ha but she sleeps better than them at night.
Paige has started playing peek a boo with her own hands and blankets. It is the cutest thing. She can give us knuckles and sometimes high fives. When she doesn't like something she will let you know by squawking. We are still working on her showing us how big she is, it is hit or miss. 
Paige loves looking at books, crawling after her sisters, and playing with her toys. She is so much fun and we all are still obsessed with her. She can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes too. Her personality is shining more and more.

It's crazy to me to think that adults with masks is really the only life she has ever known.
Our favorite jammies!
I needed to get ready for the morning but I couldn't pass up snuggling her.
Hayley took this picture and I love it.
Another rare moment these days. I am going to miss this.
I have been singing "You Are My Sunshine" to Paige almost every night since was born, so it had to be her birthday theme. There are patches of beautiful sunflowers throughout Lubbock and one close to our house and it was perfect for some photos. And because there are no studios to rent in Lubbock I did her cake smash session in our house.

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