Saturday, February 22, 2020

Paige: Four Months

I feel like Paige is growing up faster than the other two. I think it's because even the days are a blur. They all just kind of mix together and I feel like I'm always busy. I love having a baby around so I'm trying to soak in all her baby-ness as best as I can.
Paige is in her 3-6 month clothes. I should say pajamas, not clothes, because she basically lives in pajamas. Ain't nobody got time to put their third child in clothes haha. She is still in size one diapers but as soon as we run out of them we are not looking back. She has a blowout almost every time she poops. She has delicious arm and leg rolls and I love them!
Paige's hair is still brown but she has a little bit of a ginge tinge, just like Evelyn although I don't think it's as apparent as Eve's. She has developed a nice little bald patch like babies do. Her hair is pretty short except for on the top of her head where there are longer ones. I love how it gets fluffy after she has a bath. She still has blue eyes, but sometimes they look hazel and other times they even look grayish.
She has gotten really strong in the last month. She can almost sit up on her own. If she is laying on her back she will constantly try and sit up, she probably has better abs than me. She does a good job of holding her head up when she does tummy time too.
Paige is slowly getting more and more ticklish. I can tickle her toes, thighs, tummy, armpits, and neck area and almost always get some sort of giggle out of her. I love hearing her laugh! Hayley is really good at getting her to laugh. She was the same way with Evelyn. She always gets especially playful at night when it's time to go to bed but I can't get myself to without playing with her for a few minutes because it's just too fun and I love how happy she is. She has recently started blowing bubbles and I love how hard she tries sometimes.
She enjoys playing with her baby piano/mat, butterfly, and little ball and rattle that have holes so she can grab them. She has learned how to grab things really well. She holds on to my hand or shirt while she eats and she likes to grab her blankets and hold them while she tries to fall asleep. She also really likes to suck on her fingers. They can be found in her mouth a lot and she uses them for comfort when her binky falls out. I'm not a huge fan of that, but I am not always there to put her binky back in instead.  She has also started kicking. She especially likes to do it in the bath tub. It's so cute. I love watching her figure out new things. It never gets old.
Paige can be found with her tongue out most of the time, even occasionally when she sleeps. She has a pretty long tongue. I was kind of surprised the first time I saw her fully stick it out. She is still eating and sleeping like a champ. Every once in a while we have a not so favorable night but I really can't complain. Sometimes she lets out little moans as she is falling asleep and it makes me smile. She is finally getting more regular nap times too so I can usually get her to nap the same time as the girls and it's the best!
Nothing like a freshly bathed baby. And I just love this view.
I love my nap time buddy.
Hayley was sharing her robe she got from Grandma Susan for Valentine's Day.
One of my favorite outfits all 3 girls have worn.
She loves this toy she got from Uncle Steve and Aunt Audrey for Christmas.
She fell asleep sitting up.
First night in her crib! (My Mom mailed us the blanket she made for Paige. We picked out the material together while she was here when Paige was born. I love how it turned out! Thanks Mom!)
Sweet, not-so-little Paige is truly the best baby. I found out today that Dan has been telling her to continue to be so awesome so that I will want to have more haha. We all love her more and more every day!

Side note: Paige had her 4-month checkup on February 24th. She weighed 15 lbs. 2 oz., was 24.5 inches long, and a head circumference of 15.75 inches.

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