Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Paige: Three Months

Three months of joy with our little Paigey babe. I am still soaking up all of her baby goodness and loving having another baby around!
Paige had been so close to giggling for a couple weeks and yesterday I finally got some good ones out of her. She laughs when you swing her arms around and talk to her. She is getting a little ticklish too. She didn't know what to think the first time I tickled her toes but now she kind of laughs. She still doesn't know whether to laugh or not when you tickle her sides. She gets a red face, almost like she is pooping ha. It makes me laugh. She is such a happy baby! 
She has started "talking" more and I love that too. She coos when you talk to her and kind of moans when she thinks she is alone. She still really only cries when she is hungry and then as soon as she has been fed she is back to smiling. When I put my lips together and make them vibrate she tries to do it back and sometimes she succeeds. 
Paige has also started wiggling a lot more. She kicks her legs, grabs her blankets, sucks on her fingers and fists, and tries to sit up too. She will kind of play with her toys that hang and the ones that have holes. She loves bath time and kicking in the water. 
She is still in size 1 diapers and her 3-month clothes are slowly being put away. She can still fit in some but I've started getting out the 3-6 month ones. She is a big baby, maybe she's gonna be as big as her Daddy? People thought Hayley and Evelyn were too because of their cheeks but they weren't. Paige really is cheeks and all ha.
Her sisters still smother her with love and some other things every chance they get. I am constantly telling them to be soft or give her space or to not touch her or just let her sleep etc. I love that they love her so much but it is also exhausting ha.
She is still sleeping through the night. It's the best! (Now if only her sisters would sleep as well as her. The "sleep like a baby" phrase is legit in our house.) She eats about 5 times every day, every 3 hours or so. She still spits up every once in a while and gets the hiccups just about every day.
She still sounds like she has a bit of a stuffy nose, but I don't think she's sick anymore. She just kind of wheezes or snores ha. It's like the stuffiness has stuck around even though the sickness is gone. Dan took her to her two-month doctor's appointment on January 7 (just a little late since we were in Utah and then we had to be seen by another Doctor) because I hate hearing my babies scream when they get shots. Poor babe was in pain the rest of the day but thankfully was back to her cheerful self after a good night's rest. I did not like seeing her cry so much and not be able to comfort her.
Dan gave Paige a beautiful blessing on December 29 in our old ward in Kaysville while we were in Utah. He blessed her to know that Heavenly Father along with her family loves her, to grow in strength and health, to develop a testimony of the Gospel and Book of Mormon and that her testimony would keep her close to the Savior, that she will be a light and radiate joy, that she will be an example of the believers, that she will bring happiness to her family and me, that she will find joy in service and go out of her way to help others, and that she will fulfill her life's purpose and see Heavenly Father's potential for her. We are so blessed to have this little spirit in our home!
All 3 girls have worn these Christmas jammies. 
The best toy ever!
I have nicknamed her "happiness" and this is why!
When I work on my HIGH Fitness choreography she constantly watches and smiles at me. I love it.
Hayley made her a bed.
She loves to stare at the TV when it is on.
She looks like a squished little chipmunk ha.

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