Sunday, March 22, 2020

Paige: Five Months

Paige is showing her personality more and more and it has been fun to see it come out. Since we decided to stay in Utah longer than we originally planned I don't have her letter P with us for her photo (and it has been hard for me to get over it because my track record has been flawless with each girl and just like that it's ruined ha).
Paige is close to being able to sit up by herself. She can for a few seconds at a time. She really likes to sit up. Whenever she is laying down she is often lifting up her head, doing her crunches, we assume because she wants to get up or to try and see something. I tell her to relax but she doesn't for very long. She has the best baby abs ever.
Paige has had cereal only once and most of it ended up on her bib. We figured we would wait 'til we got back from Utah to be more consistent with giving it to her. And then with all the panic/bulk buying going on, I am glad I can still nurse her and not worry about baby food yet.
Paige is in her 6-month clothes and size two diapers. We tried using up the last of our size one diapers but she kept having blowouts so there went that idea. She is our rolly baby and I love it! Her eyes seem to keep changing colors to me. Sometimes they look blue, other times hazel, and occasionally they have even looked gray. Every once in a while I feel like I can see a ginge tinge in her hair too. It's slowly getting a little longer.
When her binky falls out she uses two of her fingers in its place to help soothe her. If I am around I take them out and put her binky back in. It will be easier to take a binky away one day but I can't really do much about her fingers.
Paige sounds like she has a stuffy nose 90% of the time. Poor little girl. But she is always happy, and I mean always. She is my happiness. She is extremely content too. I can put her just about anywhere and she doesn't make a fuss. I do hold her and love on her when I can but it's nice she is so content when I need to do other things. Oh, she is the best baby!
I was a little worried we were going to have a rough 4-month sleep regression but she has handled it surprisingly well. She hasn't always gone down for a nap or to bed as easy as before but it has been nothing like what I experienced with Hayley and Evelyn. I have tried to be better at putting Paige down before she is out completely to help her figure out how to self soothe to sleep and I think that has been a big help. She sleeps in her crib all the time now and it hasn't seemed to phase her. She still sleeps through the night, I haven't ever had to go in in the middle of the night.
Now that she is awake more I have started putting her in clothes and not leaving her in pajamas all day ha. It has been fun to pull out the clothes Hayley and Evelyn wore and compare them in photos. I love my girls! I do think Paige looks more like Hayley than Evelyn.
Paige still gets smothered by her sisters, but she takes it all like a champ. I mean she doesn't know any different and won't even remember it but it amazes me how younger children survive their older siblings ha.
Paige drools a lot. I had to get out the drool bibs. I am pretty sure Hayley and Evelyn started drooling around 4 months as well so it wasn't a surprise. She loves to put anything and everything in her mouth. She also likes to look at herself in the mirror.
Paige did AMAZING on our drive to Utah. I only had to feed her twice on our 16-hour road trip. I fed her in Fort Sumner and then again when we stopped in Albuquerque. She made it through the entire night. I was a little worried we'd need to stop in Spanish Fork but she made it to Kaysville!
Paige is the perfect addition to our family. She has been the best blessing and I am so grateful that she is here!
Playing with Daddy's beard.
She kept looking back at me and reaching up to touch my face while I was holding her.
Wearing Hayley's build-a-bear's dress.
First time trying cereal.
We love our Harris cousins!

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