Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hayley: Four Years

I am the mother of a four-year-old. I think I say this almost every blog post but seriously how did that happen? I can't believe 4 years ago I endured 16-hour unmedicated labor to bring sweet Hayley into this world. One of the best days of my life, hands down.
Hayley is a pretty sensitive, little tender-hearted girl. Most of the time it touches my own little tender heart, but sometimes I worry about her not being strong enough. When we moved to Texas a month ago she started struggling with sleeping through the night. She has night lights, a picture of Jesus to watch over her, stuffed animals, music, she can communicate with me through the baby monitor, and Evelyn is in the room with her too so I could not figure out what the problem was. My Mom encouraged me to ask her, during the day, what was going on so I did that and she told me that she is scared someone is going to come in and take her. That crushed my Mama heart. I did my best to reassure her that that would NEVER happen, cringing inside a little because I have that same fear. I eventually put it together that she got that idea from watching "Tangled" (at the beginning when Mother Gothel takes Rapunzel out of her room in the night). She has done better the last couple of weeks thankfully.
Hayley is a smart little thing. She amazes me with the things she remembers from random little conversations, shows, or books. She likes to play games that she makes up and does a decent job at following rules in kids' games.
Hayley always keeps us laughing. She is such a silly girl. We are often laughing at the funny things she does or says. She loves to dance around and has recently been encouraging dance parties before bedtime. She likes to make funny faces and has the best imagination.
Hayley makes friends with anyone and everyone. Whenever we go somewhere she introduces herself and then always introduces me to her "friends." She calls everyone her friend. I hope that always stays with her. She loves playing with other kids and is very good at watching out for the younger ones. She has a Motherly instinct and often gets complimented for being such a good big sister and helper with her cousins. She says goodnight to the baby in my belly every night and gives it a hug. She is a wonderful helper with Evelyn and I have no doubt will be with this baby too. She treats her dolls and stuffed animals the same way. I will often find them all with random pillows under the heads and blankets on top of them. Oh, she makes me smile! She likes to make sure they have food and puts some of them in clothes too.
Hayley's love for playing outside has only grown. She loves to go to the park, go on walks, and play in the water (especially if there are water balloons involved). She really enjoys going on Grandpa's boat to swim in the lake and get pulled on the tube. She was all smiles when we did that last week. She is pretty adventurous most of the time. Occasionally she needs some coaxing to try things for the first time but usually after she does she loves it.
Hayley loves movies, especially if that means she can have popcorn. She loves anything Disney or Barbie. She did pretty well at the drive-in when we went a couple weeks ago, it was a little hard for her with the wind. We haven't been back to the theater for a while but, like I said, if there is popcorn she is usually good to go.
Hayley has slowed down a little bit in the eating department. It is almost painful sometimes to try and get her to eat all her food. When she doesn't like something she has a hard time swallowing it and that gag reflex will kick in and she can throw up. It's super fun. She asks for mac and cheese for almost every meal. She also loves chocolate milk, hot dogs, most fruit, Cheetos, and any and all candy/sweets.
Hayley is obsessed with the color pink. She asked for a pink birthday this year, which was fairly easy to do so that was nice. She loves to wear it and will pick out any and all of the pink things when she chooses something. She asks to have a pink bowl/plate and a matching utensil and cup for every meal. I roll with it to a certain extent. She recently has fallen in love with unicorns too. (What is it about them that little girls like?) She is my little girly girl because she also asks to wear a skirt or a dress practically every day. I have no idea why she loves them so much. She likes having her finger and toenails painted too, and wearing jewelry and my high heels around.
Hayley is a good girl. She's not without her fits and hard days, but she is a really wonderful little child and I am so grateful she made me a Mom. I love her so much and would do anything for her. She pushes my buttons but she also pulls on my heartstrings. I feel so blessed that I get to call her mine forever.
Pioneer Day fun with Grandma Susan.
Cherry Hill just Hayley and me.
First haircut.
My blonde, blue eyed beauty.
She loves things that are her size.

First day of Sunbeams.
She LOVES her cousin Luke. 
She said the prayer in primary and did it all by herself.
She calls this her jingle hat and loves to wear it year round.
She is so happy when she gets to match her Monique.

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