Monday, August 5, 2019

Sojourn to Utah: July 2019

Dan and I weren't planning on going back to Utah a month after moving, but both of his siblings (who also live out of state) were planning on visiting so we decided we might as well too. It is rare that we are all together and it worked out with Dan's school for us to go.
We left for Utah the evening of July 2nd after Dan got home from school and arrived the next morning around 9:30. The girls slept for about 6-7 hours of the drive so that was nice. I drove for the first 4 and Dan drove for the next 12. I was in and out of sleep while he drove, it was kind of hard to get decently comfortable being pregnant. We crashed for a few hours that afternoon to catch up on sleep.
Dan flew home July 7th in the late afternoon because he has been doing business school through the summer and I stayed in Utah until July 28th. I wasn't planning on being there so long but my Mom was planning on coming out to Dan's White Coat Ceremony on August 2nd so we figured it made sense for me to stay an extra week so she could drive back with me and then fly home after the ceremony.
I'm going to let pictures do the talking of the adventures we had while in Utah. It was good for my heart to be back and spend so much time with my family and see some of my friends.

July 3
Dinner at Robintino's
July 4
4th of July HIGH Fitness.
Kaysville Parade
I brought Blue Bell Ice Cream for Britt all the way from Texas ha. It melted a bit on the drive there but still tasted fine.
July 5
The adults played Pickleball while the kiddies played at the park.
Water fight at Grandma Becky's.
The boys were rather obsessed with this balloon launcher. I had to show them how it's done ;)
July 6
These kids seriously have thee best Grandpa.
We love the water! So glad we made it out on the lake.
July 7
Sweet little miracle baby Beau's blessing day.
July 9
Hogle Zoo with Howell's.
Free Chick-fil-A for Cow Appreciation Day!
July 11 - Hayley's Birthday
Pink pancakes (that she didn't even like) for the birthday girl.
She is obsessed with unicorns right now.
She requested to go to Build-A-Bear.
July 12
Lift Event with my favorites, Julie & Kay. 
July 13
10 year High School Reunion at Davis High.
July 15
We celebrated Hayley's Birthday with family.
She wanted a pink cake. I made Cake by Courtney's Cookie Dough one.
July 17
Library, Splash Pad, and lunch with Grandma Becky.
July 18
The girls love the monkey pool and cousin time!
July 19
I had to visit my co-workers at the Ogden Temple. I miss them and working here.
July 22
Cherry Hill Day!
July 23
My Dad's retirement lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe.
It was cool to hear about all the things he's accomplished while working for Hill Air Force Base. So proud of him!
This was not on the agenda originally, but we got a new car! We needed to upgrade to make room for baby coming in October.
July 24
It's a Harris family tradition to go to Bowman's for Breakfast on Pioneer Day.
The girls had fun doing all the activities they have there too.
July 25
Said goodbye to Rhonda. She sold to the first person who looked at her.
July 26
While I went to the Salt Lake Temple and dinner with my parents and siblings, Grandma Becky played with the girls.
They are spoiled by their grandparents.
July 27
July 28
Loaded the Pilot up after Church on Sunday and left for Texas.
July 31
We went and experienced a real treasure of Lubbock, the Prarie Dog Park.
The girls loved it.
We made Baby Shark cookies at The Cakery.

Dan had his White Coat Ceremony on August 2 in the afternoon. It was so nice of my Mom, Paul, and Becky to come out for it. It was a neat experience and I got a little teary-eyed seeing Dan put on his white coat and recite the oath his class wrote to commit to as medical students. He has worked so hard for this and I am grateful I get to be by his side as he completes his dream. It's not going to be easy but it will be a season of growth and adventure for us both.
The most handsome future Doctor I ever did see!
Dan has 180 students in his class, only 24 are married, and I think he is only one with almost 3 kids ha. 
August 3
We went to Buffalo Springs Lake before having to drop off Grandma Susan at the airport.
Dinner at Triple J's before Paul and Becky drove back to Dallas so they could fly home the next day.
Leaving Utah and then having my Mom leave was kind of like ripping a bandaid off all over again. I am anxious about Dan starting med school and getting adjusted to that new routine. I occasionally still don't feel like I'm up for this challenge but then something deep down reassures me I can do this. Ready or not, here we go! Wish us luck!

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