Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Journey to Doctor Hayward: Moving to Lubbock, Texas

The Hayward family now resides in Lubbock, TX. Dan had his med school interview at Texas Tech last August, and I knew deep down even before he got accepted that we would probably end up here. I think knowing that has helped a little with this transition. It also helps that I have heard nothing but good things about Lubbock and Texas Tech. That doesn't mean this has been easy, because it hasn't, at least for me. Dan is definitely already a fan of all things Texas, which is funny because he was so against me hanging up my Texas sign I got on my mission. How the tables have turned haha.
I tried to be proactive about packing and I started off really well, but then things caught up to me and I was still packing stuff the day before we left. We even had some of our stuff boxed up from moving into Paul and Becky's house while they served their mission. I definitely would not advise moving while pregnant. I have been worn out from packing, unpacking, and organizing our new home. Thankfully, we had help from both our parents and wonderful people who gave us some awesome entertainment and treats for the girls during our drive. Thank you to everyone who came and wished us well or sent a message. It means the world and made leaving that much harder but I wouldn't have it any other way!
We left Kaysville around 11:30 AM on Friday, May 31 and arrived in Farmington, NM around 8:30 PM. I drove by myself with the girls to Moab and then Becky rode the rest of the way with me. It was nice to have some help. The girls made it til almost 4:00 PM without watching a movie, which was longer than I thought. Dan drove the moving truck and Paul drove Dan's car. Dan got us some dinner once we got a little settled in the hotel and then we all went to bed.
Hayley loved staying in the hotel and didn't want to leave the next morning. Dan got up around 5:00 AM and left and Paul left around 7:30. The girls woke up at 8:30 and we got ready, had some breakfast with Becky, and left around 10:30. We were in the car for about ten minutes when Hayley started asking if we were there yet. The second day of driving was a little rougher - we had to stop more and the girls were a little more restless. They didn't really take naps either day, which I was counting on for some sort of break but unfortunately, that didn't happen. Sometime in the afternoon, we drove through a torrential downpour and some hail. It was intense, I had never had to put my wipers on the highest wiping speed before. Hayley had a bathroom emergency when we were literally in the middle of nowhere. We tried having her go in some bushes but she doesn't relax well unless she is sitting on a toilet so I just kept praying we would make it to the next town before something happened. She did a really good job holding it. We randomly drove past a port o' potty so I pulled over, reversed, and we ran to it. Thankfully it was open and saved the day!
The girls were done being the car when we had an hour left, I was ready to be done too, so it was a long last hour but we all survived.
We finally made it to Lubbock around 9:00 PM. What a day! So glad the driving part of this adventure was over. Dan had unloaded the entire U-Haul and set up our bed and the girls'. So grateful for him and all his hard work during this move! I couldn't help but get a little emotional after I took a quick tour of the house, this was the first time I had seen it. I am so grateful that this is the home we get to raise our family in for the next 4 years. We are truly blessed!
We went to our new ward on Sunday morning and during Sacrament Meeting I was trying hard to choke back tears, but some of them escaped. I couldn't help but feel alone even though I was surrounded by my family and members of The Church. I know this is where we're supposed to be, but my heart is still back in Utah.
Paul and Becky stayed with us until Wednesday afternoon, helping us to get settled a little bit. It was so nice of them to come down with us and drive back to Utah. Lots of driving for them! We appreciate all their help! On Monday I spent 3 hours at the DMV getting my Texas license so that we can apply for insurance because I am supposed to see an OBGYN this week. Hopefully, that process goes quickly and I get in to see someone sooner rather than later. There is so much more to moving than just packing up all your stuff and taking it to a new place! I feel like all I did was chores last week, which is pretty true. We got the last random necessities we needed the last few days of the week and things have slowly started to feel like home. I have enjoyed being able to decorate my home for the first time. It's been stressful to put things away and get organized but I'll take it!
Dan started Business school on Monday. Yes, he is still doing Medical school he just starts that in August. He will complete his MBA during the first 2 summers here. And so it begins.
A couple weeks before we moved I started taking my medication every day instead of every other day. I knew moving and everything it entailed would heighten my anxiety and depression so I wanted to try and help myself a little and I am glad I did. It has made a noticeable difference for me, for which I am so grateful. I am hoping to go back to taking my meds every other day but that probably won't be for a while, but I am ok with that.
I have tried doing fun things for the girls to make this easier on them. I had a few surprises waiting here for them when we got here. We had dinner with a couple last Wednesday night (the husband helped Dan unload the U-Haul for a couple hours, he is starting his second year) and they have been so sweet to us. We have played with water balloons in the yard (one of Hayley's favorite things she did with Grandpa Ted), already been on a playdate to Donut Depot and Maxey Park, and last night we went swimming at the Texas Tech Rec Center. There have been a few angels that have reached out to me and included me in their Mommy play groups, which has been so good for my heart and I am so appreciative of them and their awareness of how hard this situation is. Heavenly Father is aware of my family and me, that has been confirmed through these wonderful people.
This has been a little hard on me mentally, emotionally, physically, but I know in due time it will become our normal. I just get anxious about the future and if I'll be able to handle being a Doctor's wife. Everyone keeps saying it'll be worth it, and it will but not in the way they are thinking. It will be worth it because Dan will be living his dream. The other stuff that people think comes with being a Doctor may or may not happen. Anyway, I am doing my best to just live one day at a time right now, and so far that has been working pretty well. We appreciate all the love, support, and prayers that have been said on behalf of our family!


G. Parker said...

Oh, what a long journey and so much still to come! I know it will all work out well for you - Heavenly Father is watching over you and loves you. I feel that as I'm writing this. We sure enjoyed having you in our ward and will miss you - but it's fun to read your blog and keep in touch that way. I've got two nieces that married doctor going husbands, and can shift their info your way if you want someone else to talk to that has gone through it. I think the wife earns that degree almost as much as the husband!! Take care.
Gaynell :)

Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee said...

One day (or hour, or minute) at a time girlfriend. You got this!! Xoxo