Sunday, May 5, 2019

Evelyn: Two Years

It's hard to believe my little girl is two. I have LOVED this stage of Eve's life. It has been challenging but so fun. I feel like I missed out a little with Hayley because I was pregnant and dealing with a newborn so it has been great to do this again.
Evelyn loves to be outside - she will cry when we have to come inside the house. She enjoys walking around, swinging, and more recently going down the slide. 
Evelyn can be a stubborn little stinker one minute and give you kisses and cuddles the next. She is going to give me gray hairs! I'm still trying to figure out how to discipline her, she is a different ball game than Hayley. She just does what she wants. You never want to leave her alone. She can figure out how to destroy things that seem indestructible. She has earned herself the nickname "Taz" (from Tasmanian devil). She wears me out in the best way.
Evelyn is a daring little child. I am honestly surprised we haven't wound up in the ER. I hope we never do but if the day comes I doubt it will surprise me. There is rarely a day she doesn't have a bruise somewhere. I feel like she just has bad luck with getting hit in the head too. 
Evelyn is continually developing her vocabulary. I can understand her most of the time and love her cute, voice. One of my favorite things she says is, "Good morning!" when she comes into my room at the beginning of the day. She can be quite loud and loves to run around and scream, just like her sister. It took her a while to figure out what yes meant, she used to say no to everything.
Evelyn ebbs and flows with eating. Sometimes she is a vacuum and will eat anything in sight and other times she is content just having a little. She has gotten a little pickier in recent months but I can still convince her to eat whatever is for dinner. She especially loves string cheese. She knows right where it is at Grandma and Grandpa's house and eats it every time we're there, sometimes more than once. She also loves goldfish and popcorn (can thank Grandpa Ted for the popcorn).
Evelyn loves brushing her teeth. She gets so excited every night when I say it's time. She is in progress of getting the last of her molars and I am grateful that the teething will finally be over. Her favorite bedtime story is "Boom Chicka Boom" and she requests "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls as her bedtime song (thank Dan for that one). She and Hayley have shared a room for over a year now and they do pretty well going to bed at the same time, although sometimes it takes a while for them to fall asleep cause they play, giggle, and mess around. Eve has been able to escape from her crib for months now. It has was a real struggle at first, and sometimes still can be, but she stays in there during the night at least. 
Evelyn loves doing everything her big sister does and is usually happy to tag along. They play barbies and babies together, color, run around the house, take bubble baths/showers, hide in forts, etc. I love that these two are best friends and will always have each other. 
Evelyn loves going to nursery, thankfully. She is quite the Mama's girl so I was worried about that transition but she handled it well. She doesn't like when I leave her with other people but once she is distracted she does fine. She does love her Grandpa Ted and will let him comfort her. She has him wrapped around her finger.
Evelyn is obsessed with monkeys. Everything is a monkey to her and that was the first animal sound she could do. She also loves puppies and babies. If she hears a baby she will comment on it. "Boss Baby" is her favorite movie. She also likes "Finding Dory" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." She also really loves her blankets. Whenever she is sad that is her go to for comfort. 
Trampoline park.
Drooling. And those cheeks!
Zoo day.
She loves to wheel things around so Grandma Susan got her this for Christmas.
Singing and dancing on their stage.
She had croup was miserable for a couple days. Poor thing.
These two love baths.
Valentine's Day.
Trying to dress herself.
She is obsessed with her cousin, Luke.
Meeting her newest boy cousin, Beau.
Easter egg hunt.
She took a nap on Hayley's bed and actually stayed there.
She has no idea what's coming but I have no doubt will love her sibling!
For her birthday we did a "Two Wild" theme. I didn't really do much for it between pregnancy and moving soon, things have just been too chaotic. 
I had fun making her cake!
Side note: Evelyn had her 2-year check-up on Monday the 6th. She weighs 24 pounds (15th percentile) and is almost 33 inches tall (25th percentile). 

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