Thursday, April 5, 2018

Evelyn: Eleven Months

Evelyn and eleven are too similar, I struggled typing the title of this post. But not as much as I'm struggling with the fact that she turns one in a month.
Eve finally figured out how to crawl on all fours. She can pull herself up and move around using furniture or whatever she's holding on to.
She is getting more teeth (her top front ones) and has been a little bit miserable. I do not like teething Evelyn ha. But it reminds me how great of a baby she really is and to be grateful when she is her happy, content self. She loves to eat whatever the "big kids" are eating. I was trying to feed her some baby food while I was eating and she would not eat her food. She kept swatting at the spoon and wouldn't open her mouth. She whined until I gave her some of mine.
This week I started putting her in size 3 diapers. She still fits in 9-month clothes, so I'll probably wait to get the 12-month ones out because they're for more warm weather anyway (thanks to Hayley being a July baby).
Her hair is slowly getting a little bit lighter and I wonder if it'll turn more blonde over the summer from the sun. It's still not quite long enough for a ponytail but almost too long for the curl, it falls over and just turns into fluff even when I use gel.
She has gotten more ticklish and so I love to tickle her. She and Hayley are really good at playing together. It's nice to have them entertain each other, except when Hayley climbs into Eve's crib at night when they're supposed to be sleeping ha. It truly makes my heart happy that they are such good pals.
She has learned a few new tricks but won't always do them: she can be "so big," clap her hands, and wave.
Church has become a little more difficult if she's tired because she rarely falls asleep in my arms anymore. And now that she's mobile it's harder to keep her entertained during classes. The countdown 'til nursery is on!
Evelyn loves bath time. She kept trying to dive into my parent's bathtub when my Mom was holding her while getting the water ready. She also started crying occasionally when she has to get out. My girls love the water!
She loves to put anything and everything in her mouth. She started waking up at 6:30 a few mornings last week because she was hungry so we're feeding her food later at night so she'll sleep in more. She is a good sleeper, unless she's in pain from her teeth, and is even good at going down for her naps (most of the time).
Oh and just yesterday she learned how to climb up the stairs. I was folding laundry and she usually plays at the bottom of them and I look up and she's up 5 stairs. So that was a surprise. 
She fell asleep playing upstairs.
She absolutely adores Grandpa.
She loves sitting in Hayley's chair.
Learning all the good habits.
Her hair was crazy and I couldn't pass up snapping a pic of it.
She eats with one foot up sometimes.
First Easter!
Those little fists.
I cannot believe how big she is getting. I just want her to stay my baby forever! She makes my heart burst!

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