Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Sojourn to Lubbock, Texas & Applying for Medical School

Dan has had pretty limited interview opportunities this year so he's been preparing to apply again next year. He found a way to get in-state residency in Texas and that will really help his chances if he has to reapply. So he had to physically go to Texas to get a drivers license. So we made it a family trip ha. (More medical school stuff later.)
We flew into Lubbock on Wednesday night. This time I took my meds before we even got to the airport. Going through security with kids is stressful ha. We checked both car seats and didn't bring a stroller so that helped too. The flights weren't too bad, just bumpy descents into both Vegas and Lubbock. Luckily we didn't have to change plans in Vegas though. We got there around 7:00. Paul and Becky picked us up from the airport and we went and got dinner at Teddy Jack's. Once we got back to the house we were pretty tired and went to bed after we chatted for a bit.
Is there any better way to be greeted at the airport?!
Thursday morning Dan spent a few hours at the DMV trying to get a Texas license. I hung out with Becky and the girls at home until he was done. Then we went to The Shack and got some really good BBQ. Then we went to Ross (that shouldn't surprise anyone) and the Nike store. Dan and I both found some sweet new shoes. He went back to the DMV with Paul, something about his CDL having to be removed through some national something (I really paid attention when he was explaining it), and Becky and I went back home. Paul and Becky showed us the mission office and then we went to Fore, it's like Top Golf here, and played for an hour. After we got home and put the girls to bed, we played a round of the marble game.
So delicious!
Once we were all fed and ready for the day we headed to Altitude Trampoline Park Friday morning and played there for a few hours. I hadn't been on a tramp in a long time and it was a blast. Hayley did not want to leave, that girl is fearless and had tons of fun. It was nap time for the girls after that so we headed back home so they could sleep. While they were sleeping we went and talked to a couple that is currently attending Texas Tech's Medical School. It was really nice to talk to them and see things from their perspective. The wife made me feel more hopeful about the whole experience, her husband is the one becoming the Doctor. We got home when the girls woke up and we went to dinner at Chuy's, I had to get some good Mexican food. We did a little shopping for the girls at Carter's/Osh-Kosh and picked up a p'zookie trio from BJ's on our way back home. We hurried and changed into our church clothes and booked it to the Lubbock Temple for the 7:00 session. It was a lovely little temple. We even got to meet the Temple President and talk to him for a few minutes. I was curious about how they cleaned it and he showed me their little cleaning closet and job cards. Paul and Becky serve there on Wednesday evenings and so I knew the Ordinance Workers clean most of it but it was cool to see how. We were tired when we got back home, but watched a little bit of the Jazz game and then went to bed.
Thanks to Grandma Becky for watching these two while we were at the Temple.
Saturday morning for breakfast Dan and I met a friend from my mission who is now married and has a little boy. It was so good to see Raziel and catch up a little bit. While we were gone Hayley got to help Grandma make bread for rolls and brownies. We went to the Science Spectrum, a kid's museum, after we got back. We were there for a little over an hour and then went back to the Nike store (once wasn't enough for Dan). We kept the girls awake when we got back hoping they would sleep on the plane rides. We had some lunch then got all packed up and headed to the airport at 4:00. Evelyn slept a little on the plane ride to Vegas and Hayley slept from Vegas to Salt Lake. We were pleasantly surprised at how happy Eve was considering she had only napped for maybe 2 hours all day. Both of the descents were bumpy again, and Salt Lake was worse with the storm coming. For not enjoying flying I've been on way too many airplanes in the past 4 months ha. 
Raziel and his family.
The girl loves airports and airplanes. I wonder why.
The days went by way too fast. It was a quick trip, but full of fun and we wished it didn't have to end. We even looked at extending our stay but it cost too much ha. We are so proud of our missionaries and love them very much!
We found out a couple weeks ago that one of Dan's professors didn't write his Pre-Med Committee letter of recommendation - which is apparently a pretty big deal for admissions committees. At least now we know why he wasn't getting more interviews, but that doesn't take away the annoying frustration of it all. Dan has worked extremely hard for this and because this professor left the University on unfavorable terms he has now jeopardized our, and other student's, future.
What this means is that the school we're hoping for is the U. They have to get back to us before March 15, so we've just been waiting since November. I would be very happy with staying in Utah and would love to just get this whole med school process going. I really don't want to do it again, it's expensive and time-consuming and stressful. I keep asking Dan if he's sure this is what he really wants to do ha. He assures me that it is. I'm glad he has found his passion and has the determination to see it through. I'm trying to be supportive and keep a positive attitude, but it's hard sometimes. Wish us luck! 

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