Monday, March 5, 2018

Evelyn: Ten Months

I can't believe it's already been another month.
Evelyn still isn't officially crawling yet, she kind of army crawls at times but mostly she just scoots and drags herself along ha. I don't really know how to explain it. Mostly she still rolls all over the place. She does love to stand up, I think she may be like Hayley and crawl for a short time and learn how to walk quickly. She can push herself up into sitting position from laying down. Her two bottom teeth seem to be officially in and I am so grateful for that because she didn't sleep super well while they were coming in. She has now been to Oregon, Arizona, Hawaii, and Texas (she flew to 3 of 4 of those states). She was sick for the first time this past month, and thankfully it was just a cold that only lasted a week or so. She continues to be a content little baby. She will roll around and play by herself most of the time and is happy to go where ever and do whatever. She is definitely a huge blessing. She has started to talk a little bit more. She wants to eat whatever we're eating, and most of the time I can give her little pieces. Her hair is strawberry blonde and getting longer every month. I can almost put it in an alfalfa ponytail ha. She still in size 2 diapers and 9-month clothes. I think I've said this every month but she and Hayley really are the best of friends. I truly hope that continues for years to come. She's kind of transitioning from 3 naps a day to 2. She kicks her legs whenever she gets excited, I love it. She likes to people watch. She doesn't snuggle as much anymore because she's getting more wiggly and likes to be moving.
I love this expression so much.
9-month check-up.
Visiting Dad at work.
Opening her Valentine's from Grandma Susan.
Visiting Grandma and Granddad in Lubbock, TX.
At the trampoline park in Lubbock.
Going through airport security.

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