Monday, February 5, 2018

Evelyn: Nine Months

Once again, the 9 months on the outside definitely go quicker than the ones on the inside.
This picture is getting harder and harder to take. I felt Evelyn's first tooth coming in while we were in Hawaii on Sunday the 14th. Her bottom left is now starting to poke through as well. She has not been enjoying the teething process and so neither have we. I feel bad for my little baby and am not excited for more to come because we're not getting decent sleep at night anymore, and her naps have even been rough.
She's still not crawling but travels really well by rolling. Her feet seem to have figured out how to crawl and now her arms need to catch up ha, her head just drags along the ground as her feet push her forward.
We started giving her puffs and she has figured out how to mash them with her gums, it's pretty entertaining to watch her "chew." I got her down to nursing 3 times a day instead of 4 before we went to Hawaii. And her digestive system is finally cooperating now that she's eating more often.
She is still in size 2 diapers and I got out her 9-month clothes. She did really well on our trip to Hawaii. The only thing that was kind of difficult was not having her usual nap time schedule.
She has started jabbering a little bit more and likes to make noises while she eats. She still cries any time any item of clothing goes over her head.
She loves playing with Hayley. She loves to play with my face, especially eyelashes, whenever I hold her. Sometimes when I'm trying to get her to laugh she gets thee cutest little grin on her face - her eyebrow goes up a little and she purses her lips in a smiley way. I love that face!
She started doing a little dance where she will randomly rock forward and backward. She will be content on the floor as long as there are toys around her to keep her occupied.
She makes the "hi/hey" and "dada" sounds. She's definitely a mommy's girl but she won't say the "mama" sounds. It's messed up haha. We continue to enjoy lovin' on her!
Always eating her shoes.
I tried taming her crazy, fuzzy hairs. 
She loved the pineapple in Hawaii.
We survived more plane rides!
Eating her puffs.
Free zoo day.
Always feeling so blessed to call these people mine.
Side note: Evelyn had her 9-month check-up on February 12 and weighed 15 lbs. and was a little over 29 inches long. She is small but healthy. 

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