Saturday, May 5, 2018

Evelyn: One Year

Happy Birthday sweet little Evelyn! It really doesn't feel like she was born a year ago, that year went by way too fast! I've been feeling a little weird about it all day.
Evelyn can now get into just about everything. She has figured out how to open cupboards and climb onto shorter things. She loves to go up and down the stairs. 
She is taking two naps a day and sleeps 11-12 hours every night. I noticed more of her top teeth coming in yesterday. She has been nicknamed a "baby vulture" because she will come up to anyone with food and just whine until she gets some, and she has gotten really good at gumming things down. 
This past week she has gone to bed without being breastfed and has fallen asleep just fine so I think weaning will go smoothly like it did with Hayley. She can use her sippy cup all by herself. She still fits in her 9-month clothes but I will probably be needing to get out her 12-month clothes this month. 
Church is getting hard because she doesn't stay in her car seat anymore and is super wiggly. Plus it's during her morning nap and she doesn't sleep in my arms very well so it is a tiring 3 hours in more way than one. 
I feel like she has changed and learned so much in just the past month. She does not like grass. She will hold her legs up to keep them off of it and if she does decide to crawl she crawls like Mowgli, as we call it in my family. She has started clapping more. 
Her ginge tinge, which I thought would go away but hasn't, is from her Great Grandma Harris. 
She loves to point her little finger, it reminds me of ET sometimes. 
She enjoys reading books and can turn the pages. I absolutely love when she crawls up to me and puts her head on my chest or my legs and just snuggles for a few moments. 
She has a cute little throat laugh and will occasionally snort when she's laughing really hard. And I don't think I'll ever be able to get over how perfectly pointed her eyebrows are. 
She got stuck between the chair
Riding the train.
We spent some time in St. George with Great Grandma.
Begging for food.
She loved playing with the water balloons, just like her sister.
Go Jazz!
Her birthday theme was, "She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes." We had a party at our house and enjoyed some cake and ice cream with my family and our good friends. Evelyn loved her cake and will hopefully figure out how to open her presents by next year ha.
I love my baby girl! I am going to miss her being a baby but I'm excited to see her personality develop more.
Photos by Moments by Ally Photography.
Cake smash cake by Kiss Me Cake.

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