Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Evelyn: Seven Months

Why do they have to grow up so fast? I wish I could just keep Eve this age for a while. She is so fun and so cute and I really dislike how much they have to grow in the first year.
Evelyn can now sit up on her own. She started doing that a few weeks ago. She is also rolling all over the place. She is a wiggle worm and never sits still. She always wants to be holding onto something and loves to play with her toys.
She started making this snake-like noise where she sticks out her tongue and kind of spits/blows.
Hayley can make her laugh more than I can and it kind of annoys me sometimes. I'm the Mom, she's supposed to love me the most ha.
She doesn't really take super long naps anymore but naps a few times throughout the day.
She is eating more amounts of food but is still having some issues with constipation.
She is still in size 2 diapers and her 6-month clothes. I think she has a long torso, like her Dad, because her 6-month onesies probably won't last much longer but she could still fit in 3-month pants.
She drools A LOT. Still no sign of teeth though. She tries and grab anything and everything within reach and then puts it straight to her mouth. She isn't too much of a "talker."
She and Hayley have been sharing a room, hoping to help Hayley stay in her bed at night but unfortunately that didn't work. She is finally in her crib that we repainted and has transitioned well.
She had some pretty big firsts this last month. She flew on an airplane and did really well- she slept almost the whole way there and slept the whole way home. She also swam in a pool and loved it. I am so glad we have little water lovin' babies. 
Sleeping with her feet in the air.
First flight!
Phoenix Zoo.
First night in her crib!
She and Hayley loved being pushed around the kitchen on Peppa Pig.
She brings so much love into our home. We are so blessed to have her!

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