Friday, January 5, 2018

Evelyn: Eight Months

Another month has come and gone.
Evelyn is a pretty stoic little child sometimes. Sometimes it takes great efforts to get her to smile or laugh and other times she won't stop if you keep doing what made her laugh or smile. She's funny. She also likes to keep an eye on people (a nice of way of saying she stares ha) who she doesn't know very well.
She is still in size 2 diapers, and it's probably time to get out the 9-month clothes because the 6-month ones are starting to get small. I hate how fast she's growing.
When she finds something new to grab or play with she uses her pointer fingers to play with it/poke it and it is so cute. I love watching those little fingers explore new things.
She is still rolling all over the place, even in her swing and I think she may roll out of it one day (I have to keep an eye on her when she's in it). Occasionally she will go into army crawling position but she doesn't move forward much.
She doesn't "talk" as much as Hayley did, but Hayley is quite the little chatterbox. She has her "Bob bob" and "Da da" sounds down.
I cannot tame her crazy, fuzzy head of hair. It just stands up and fluffs after a few hours no matter what I try doing. It has lightened up like Hayley's, and she still has a bit of a ginge tinge.
She likes to sleep with her blanket up over her face. She has also started sleeping on her stomach. She likes to be put down in her crib to sleep and will go to sleep by herself as long as she isn't overtired.
I don't know why but she hates getting her clothes put on. She cries whenever I put them over her head and push her little arms through her sleeves. I promise I'm soft and it's not like her clothes are super tight going over her head.
She has still been constipated so I finally called her doctor and he told us to give her Cairo syrup. She has been doing good the past few days so let's hope that continues because I want to be giving her more food and start breastfeeding less. She will drink juice out of a sippy cup, no straws for her. She is ticklish now so that is fun.
I'm kind of surprised she hasn't fallen out yet.
Startin' her young.
First time playing out in the snow.
Nap time with Dad.
I'd be a little scared if Hayley were driving me too.
This was more than a blowout, it was an explosion.
Side note: we had a nice, relaxing Christmas. We opened presents at home in the morning, face timed with Paul and Becky for a while, and then went to my parent's in the afternoon where we were together with both my siblings and their spouses.

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