Sunday, November 5, 2017

Evelyn: Six Months

It's hard to believe this little girl is already half a year old!
Evelyn gives me such a self esteem boost. Anytime I come near her or look at her from across the room she smiles at me. I feel such love from her and it's amazing. She always gets excited to be picked up. She started doing what Hayley would do when she'd get excited: wiggle her little wrists and feet. She also started crossing her little feet, and Hayley would do that too. She rolled from her back to stomach on October 25. She is also getting better at sitting up by herself and can do it for good chunks of time before toppling over. She has found her toes and I think it's adorable when she plays with them and tries to eat them. Everyone thinks she's a little chunk because of her big cheeks but she's on the low end of the growth chart in weight and height. She's still in size 1 diapers and now her 6 month clothes. She does this little cough laugh that is kinda goofy. She loves being chased by Hayley around the island in the kitchen. They are so cute together. She always smiles when Hayley comes over to her when she's in her swing or in the morning when they first wake up. She has been a little constipated again, poor baby, and I hope her little body gets used to food soon. She seemed to be doing better for a while and then back tracked again. She has also started spitting up a little bit again. She is getting better at eating food and actually swallows it now ha. Her hair is getting lighter and it's a pretty good length so it's nice and fuzzy. She is pretty friendly and smiles at everyone when they talk to her. One of her new tricks is putting her lips together and blowing (sputtering?). She loves to make that noise.
Wearing her onsie from Paris that Uncle Matt and Aunt Andrea got her on their trip.
She recently became a bow model for Little Ella Rae.
She was Rosie the Riveter for Halloween.
Hayley teaching Eve wheels on the bus.
We all LOVE our little Evelyn.
Side note: At her six month check-up on November 7 she weighed 14.7 pounds and was 24 inches long, with her head being 16 inches round. She had developed a rash all over her chest, so lucky we were already going to see her doctor, and he said it was an allergic reaction of some kind. He gave us Zyrtek and it went away.

I'm going to add a quick little update on the rest of us too.
Hayley is soaking up EVERYTHING. She amazes me with things she does and says. I sometimes wonder where she learned this or that. She loves balloons, playing outside, the colors pink and green, chocolate milk, and the number five. She always asks for five of whatever you're giving her. She recently started to hang her head when she thinks she's in trouble and when she is actually in trouble. She really does have a tender little heart. She is still a really good eater. She is finally potty trained, woot woot! I wanted to wait 'til after Ogden temple shutdown (since I worked most nights during those two weeks and was super tired from lack of sleep) and after we finished watching our neighbor's kids for a week. I didn't want to try and potty train while those things were going on. (Also, I gained a whole new appreciation for Moms with more than 2 kids. That week was tiring and chaotic, mostly the good kind, and made rethink having more than 2 myself ha.) She loves to sing songs and dance/run around. She gets super hyper every night before bed time, not the most convenient but at least she's usually pretty entertaining when that happens. She loves going to nursery every Sunday and can't wait 'til Sacrament meeting is over. For the first time in her little life, with the exception of her first few months and when she gets teeth, she is not sleeping through the night. It's killing me. So she comes in to our room and sleeps on the floor. We have tried everything, or at least it feels that way, to get her to stay in her bed. Her bedroom is now upstairs and I just pray this will end soon. She is a good big sister, for the most part, and will help me with Evelyn.
Dan is starting to get interview for med school and is pretty excited about that. He enjoys running the Student Health Center Lab at Weber State. He golfs about once a week. He goes to pole vault club on Tuesdays when he can. He still volunteers at the clinic about twice a month.
I still love working at the Temple. I missed it while I was on maternity leave. I play indoor soccer once a week and love it. I also started doing High Fitness and attend classes when I can. It's super fun! Hayley and Evelyn keep me busy and I love being able to be home with them. I am serving as Second Counselor in the Young Women's and love being able to do that. It has also given Dan some Dad time. I am still trying to take as many photos as possible (so let me know if you need yours done!) and recently started selling makeup for Younique. I have done a few sewing projects lately too, now that I have a place to put my machine. I am loving having Dan around more and we decided to kind of spoil ourselves this year before med school takes him away again.
Life is pretty good right now. It's definitely not perfect but we can't really complain!

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