Thursday, October 5, 2017

Evelyn: Five Months

Evelyn is an extremely happy, content, little girl and I love how easy going she is because it simplifies life for the rest of us.
Evelyn is still in size 1 diapers. I put away her 0-3 month clothes and she's now wearing 3-6 months. She takes around 3 naps a day and had a little bit of a sleep regression, but thankfully it didn't last as long as Hayley's. Now we just need her to get used to eating food so that she won't be constipated, she has woken up during the night every once in a while from that. So we started giving her food on September 23. She does not like green beans but has seemed to enjoy carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, and prunes. She finally rolled from her stomach to her back on September 9. I think she is close to rolling from her back to her stomach too, she lays on her side and just hasn't made it all the way over yet. Her big sister is more than willing to help her roll over either way. She is a little wiggle butt and moves all over the place when she's laying on the floor. She can stand up by herself for a few seconds if she's leaning against something. She has started laughing more and I will do and try anything to get those darling little giggles. She also gets really excited whenever I put her on her changing table and start talking or making noises at her. It's my favorite. She likes looking at pictures in books. She is getting pretty good at grabbing things with her little hands. I love to watch her face concentrate so hard, it's cute. Her hair is slowly getting lighter and I'm surprised it hasn't fallen out.
My awesome co-worker got this dress for Eve and I love it!
Dan playing Need for Speed with his little buddy.
Twinning is winning. Thanks to Grandma Becky for the outfits.
First time in the BOB.
5 months going on 15 years.
Eve really brings so much joy to my life. I get frustrated with my little toddler sometimes and it's nice to have a baby who is just content and smiles and me constantly ha.

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