Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Evelyn: Four Months

I really hate that Eve isn't my newborn anymore, but at the same time it's fun that she's showing more of her personality. It's a never ending struggle.
Eve still hates tummy time and may never roll over because I'm still not the best at remembering to do it. She has started to try and grab things and likes playing with her little piano mat with hanging toys. The sleep regression has begun, she doesn't fall asleep as easily anymore and it has made for some rough times at church with all the noises going on there. To help her fall asleep she likes to have her hands holding something, so I usually let her hold on to my fingers. It is the sweetest thing but hard sometimes too when I can't always have my hand there for her to grab and she still isn't good at holding other objects yet. About two weeks ago she started eating less too. I don't know why but I'm just rolling with it trusting that she will eat when she is hungry and trying not to stress about it. I don't think her belly gets as full during the day anymore with her eating less so she isn't going as long at night (7-10 hours) but she falls right back asleep after I feed her. She has started making little moaning sounds when she's trying to fall asleep ha. It's like she's lulling herself to sleep. She is in size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes, but probably not for much longer. She has started giggling a lot more and I try anything and everything to get some out of her. She is a little drool monster and loves sucking on her fists. She can sit in a bumbo and when she's sitting up against something (i.e. the couch or my legs) sometimes she'll try and sit up on her own. She likes to see the world and be held facing out. She took a while to fall asleep on my chest in her baby carrier when we were at Swiss Days, she's not a fan of sleeping on my chest anymore. She has had a few bottles now that I'm back to work and is good at chugging them. She makes me laugh with all her facial expressions and new things she does. 
Hayley showing her the animals.
I love those blue eyes.
Not quite ready for the jumper yet.
She's had that lip down since birth.
I can't say enough how amazing of a baby she is. I am one lucky Mama. We love our sweet little Evelyn and I wish she'd stop growing!

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