Saturday, August 5, 2017

Sojourn to Oregon: July 2017

I'm super behind in writing about our trip to Oregon but we had family in town for Eve's baby blessing and moved so it's been a little hectic around here. We road tripped to Rockaway Beach, Oregon for my Mom's side of the family - Christensen family reunion. Let me just start off by saying that I am seriously the luckiest Mom in the world. Both of our girls did super amazing on the car rides, both there and on the way home. We didn't have to make any extra stops, I was able to feed Eve whenever we had to get food or gas. Hayley played with new toys that Grandma Susan got her and watched movies. I'm not saying they never cried, there were tears, but overall it was super smooth and they were so well behaved.
We left for Oregon on Saturday morning, July 8. We stayed in Pendleton, Oregon that night and then made our way to Rockaway Beach on Sunday. It was a long day of driving, 8 hours or so, but we survived and it made for less driving time on Sunday.
We went to the Nike store when we got to Portland on Sunday, for Dan (he's obsessed with Nike shoes), and tried going to the International Rose Garden but couldn't find a place to park with our big trailer so we figured that out on the drive home. We made it to our home away from home in the late afternoon/early evening and unloaded everything. We went for a nice, quick motorcycle ride around Rockaway at sunset. Dan and I stayed in the room with bunk beds and he slept with Hayley and I slept with Evelyn, both on the bottom beds.
The real fun began on Monday. We checked out a place to catch some crabs and then went up the coastline. We visited Cannon Beach, got some delicious fish and chips in Seaside, and I rode back to our house with Dan on the motorcycle. My bum was starting to get sore at the end but it was sure beautiful! We went to the family reunion dinner and "bonfire." It wasn't really a bonfire, so we didn't stay for very long. We attempted to watch a movie when we got back but the Chromecast wasn't working too well so we all went to bed.
On Tuesday we went to the family reunion breakfast and then headed to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. They sure make some good cheese. Hayley loved all the samples and stuffed cows they had in the gift shop, she had to carry as many as she could fit in her arms around with her. Then we went to see The Octopus Tree and a lighthouse. The weather was so nice there. It was nice to escape the heat of Utah for a few days. We picked up an ice cream cake for Hayley on the way back to the house because she turned two! We went to the reunion dinner and then came back to celebrate her birthday by opening some presents (a wooden play pizza, some cars, bubbles, a barbie,and clothes) and eating cake. We hung out for a little bit and then went to bed.
On Wednesday we went to the family reunion breakfast and while everyone went to the beach to try wake wenching, Eve and I stayed back for a nap. I was not getting enough sleep on this trip and it was starting to hit me. But apparently Hayley had a great time playing at the beach, not surprising because she loves water. And Mike, Dan, and my Dad tried wake wenching and were successful, for the most part. After lunch we went to Kelly's Marina and caught some crab. Dan stayed home with Eve and I joined the group with Hayley after her nap. We had a lot of crab and it was SO good. We went to the family reunion dinner and stayed for the auction after. We watched The Lego Batman movie once everyone was back home, and then it was time for bed.
On Thursday morning we loaded everything up, stopped in real quick at the family reunion breakfast to say thank you (my great Aunt Kathryn cooked all the food for all the breakfasts and dinners for at least 60 people), and then were on the road again. Once we made it to Portland we went to the International Rose Garden, the boys (minus Mike) had to drop us off and find somewhere to park. I've never seen so many roses, and boy did that garden smell good. We stayed in Mountain Home, ID that night. We got there around midnight so we were all pretty tired and cranky. Eve was not happy so I would be surprised if her crying didn't wake some people up.
On Friday morning we had breakfast and then hit the road again. It was nice to have a short drive and we finally made it home in the afternoon. 
Oregon is definitely underrated. I would go back again in a heartbeat. It was beautiful and there is lots to do. If you have the chance to go then do it!

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