Monday, June 5, 2017

Evelyn: One Month

Here we go again, another baby who is going to grow up too fast. It doesn't seem like Eve was born a whole month ago, but I'm grateful she was! She has been a great little newborn, making the transition from one to two a lot easier than I expected.
Eve has been great at breastfeeding from the start. Super different from my experience with Hayley. She goes 3-5 hours without eating during the day and 4-7 at night (8 once). She only spits up occasionally - I am trying to figure out if it's because of something I eat. Chocolate seemed to be the culprit but she has still spit up when I haven't eaten it. She makes the weirdest grunting noises ever, and they can be quite loud for such a little baby. She is already pretty good at holding her head up. When we were getting her newborn pictures done the photographer was impressed at how strong she was for being so little. She isn't awake for very long periods at a time, which has been nice so I can focus on Hayley or get other things done. She seems to sleep better when she's being held, during the day. Sometimes she likes being swaddled and other times she likes to have her arms free. Same with a binky, sometimes she wants it and other times she doesn't. Her umbilical cord fell off after 5 days, which is super fast, and it was looking fine until a few days later when it started bleeding. So we just kept it covered for a little while and it healed and is a cute little belly button now. She does not enjoy baths. She has pretty bad baby acne right now, I hate it and hope it'll go away soon. Several people have said something about her having red hair, she has the same ginge tinge Hayley had. She also has a widow's peak, like Hayley and her Dad. Newborn clothes are starting to fit a little better, she is a small one. Dan and I both thought her eyes were going to turn brown because they were looking brownish but now they are looking more blue, so we will see what happens. Because Hayley was on the bigger side I was afraid I wasn't ever going to get a little baby, but I did!
At her one week check-up the Dr. was impressed that she was only down 3 ounces from her birth weight. He said that's rare for breastfed babies. At her two week check-up she was 6 lbs. 15 oz. She is a healthy baby and that makes us happy!
Ready to go home!
She cries almost every time we bathe her.
Those lips.
Eve got to meet Great Grandma Harris.
Dan studied for and took the MCAT during Eve's first week, but since then he has been home to help me every day. (He quit his job at Davis to focus on the MCAT and has a job interview next week.) It has been a huge blessing having him home, even though we don't have an income at the moment..., That is probably why this has been easier than I expected. He has gotten up with Hayley in the mornings so I can sleep in until Evelyn wakes up and needs to eat again. I have been super spoiled. He has been the best Dad and husband! Paternity leave should be a real thing. Moms have it hard enough with hormones, sleep deprivation, and healing from birth. I bet there would be a lot less postpartum depression cases if Dads could stay home with their wives and help out.
Dan studying for the MCAT in the hospital.
We sure love our little Eve! I'm so grateful she came to our family. It's been fun to see Hayley as a big sister and have another darling little newborn in our home. I adore my family of four!

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