Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Evelyn: Two Months

Two months with this little sweetheart have been the best two months ever!
Eve is starting to be awake for longer periods of time. She slept through the night for the first time at 6 weeks old, happy day! And since then she usually sleeps 8-10 hours at night. It has been a huge blessing since Dan has started working again and isn't home to let me sleep in anymore. I am still tired but I know it could be worse. I just need to figure out how to get Eve to sleep during Hayley's naps! I got her first smiles this past month too, that brought tears to my eyes because it feels like you are waiting forever to see them smile for the first time. She is still in newborn diapers and wears newborn or 0-3 month clothes. She is a rock star at holding her head up. Her hair does look strawberry brownish and it hasn't started falling out... yet. She really only cries when she is hungry or has a burp stuck. She sometimes cries when she gets put in her car seat, and then whenever we stop at red lights; it's the worst, as if getting stopped at a red light isn't bad enough. She is starting to find her voice and I love when she makes little cooing noises. She enjoys her swing and bouncer. She is a little wiggle worm, just like her sister. That isn't much of a surprise because the last few weeks of my pregnancy it seemed like she never stopped moving. If she doesn't have her binky in she will occasionally suck on her fists. She has been a little constipated here and there (I don't understand how babies can be constipated when their poop is so runny). She is a content little babe, which makes things easier with Hayley because I can put her down or in her swing and she'll be happy as a clam.
First smiles - June 19
Happy 4th of July!
Eve really is the best little girl. We are so blessed!

Side note: She had her 2 month check-up on July 17. She weighs 10 lbs. 8 oz. and is 23 inches long, tall and skinny as the Doctor put it. She did not enjoy her oral vaccination, we found out she has really bad gagging reflexes ha. It's never fun to see your babies get shots but worth it in the long run.

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