Thursday, May 18, 2017

Hayward, Party of FOUR! - Evelyn's Birth Story

Evelyn was not due to be here until the 18th, but I'm so grateful she came when she did. Dan has been set to take the MCAT on the 13th and throughout the entire pregnancy I've been super stressed that she would come that day. Plus his birthday and Mother's Day are the 14th and I definitely did not want to be in the hospital that day either. So it worked out that she came when she did, even though it was two weeks early and I was not as prepared as I should have been.
I had my 38 week check up on Thursday and went to Costco afterwards. Walking around and then carrying it all inside made me super tired and I was cramping on and off for a few hours into the evening. It was definitely false labor and I kept praying it wouldn't turn into real labor just yet because Dan was not currently walking or feeling 100%. He developed an infection from his Achilles and was in so much pain that he had to start using his scooter again. The antibiotics they gave him also made him super nauseous on top of him not feeling well from the infection. So we were a couple of pretty sad saps. Luckily because both of us were so tired I had asked my Mom to watch Hayley that night so she was already taken care of when my cramps started returning at 2:30 the next morning and eventually turned into real labor.
I was in and out of sleep for the next 3 hours, waking up each time I'd have a contraction (which still felt more like a cramp). The only reason we were at the hospital at 6:00 was because I was bleeding and was told to go in if that happened. I would have liked to labor at home longer because my contractions were not intense, but it was probably good we went in because it went a lot faster this time. I was at a 5 and 100% effaced so they admitted us. My contractions were pretty sporadic so the nurse said if they don't progress on their own then I'd have to be put on pitocin. I did not want that so Dan scootered around with me while I walked. That helped them be more regular but still not super intense. We got put into a room, we were waiting for one to be cleaned, and my doctor came in and broke my water to get things going. I was at a 7 when she did that. The nurse checked me a little while later and I had progressed to an 8. Dan's Mom was there for a little while until she left to get him some stuff to help with his stomach.
Things were still pretty calm at this point and I was able to breathe through contractions. My Mom had arrived in the meantime and I was doing some paperwork until all of the sudden things heated up quickly. I had about 4 super intense contractions really close together and that was when I wanted to tap out. I knew I could not do that for who knows how many more hours without my coach, Dan, helping me. (He was still feeling pretty nauseous and was trying to get a hold of his doctor to give him something to help so he could hopefully help me and deliver our baby again.) So I totally asked for an epidural, but the nurse checked me again and I was at a 10 and ready to deliver. (Looking back at Hayley's birth I have no idea how I did this for 16 hours.) The next half hour, give or take - I had no sense of time, was full of me almost crying and trying to breathe in and out slowly. I could feel baby moving down and once she was close to being out I was ready to be done but Julia, my doctor, wasn't there yet (she went back to the office) so the on-call doctor was in there telling me to just hold the baby so I wouldn't tear and so Julia could be there. If I could have talked I would have had some words for him ha. Does he realize what he's asking me to do?! Ok, yes, I realize what you're saying and I know it'll benefit me, because of course I don't want to tear, BUT holding a baby's head in a 10 cm hole is no joke! Finally Julia came in the room and as soon as she was at my feet I used that last contraction to get baby girl out. Dan and I were both bummed he couldn't deliver her, but he did get to cut the cord and I think we were both relieved it was over. Evelyn Hayward was born at 10:19 AM weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and 19.5 inches long. We are super excited to have another girl and feel extremely blessed.
The next 10 minutes were pretty unpleasant too because I did tear a little and had to be stitched up. Julia gave me some shots to try and numb the area but I could still feel way more than I wanted to. She said that was the downside of going natural, feeling all the stuff that happens afterwards, and I have to agree ha. Once baby girl was cleaned up a little and taken care of we got to do some skin to skin and I fed her. Dan and my mom held her and then Dan's parents both arrived and got to meet sweet, little Evelyn. Dan went home in the afternoon to shower and get some things we didn't have time to pack that morning. Thankfully he was feeling better because his Dad brought some drugs that he got from Dan's doctor. My Mom stayed with me for a little while until she went home so my Dad could come with Mike and Nikkole. Dan stayed until around 9:00 so I could take a shower and then he went home to sleep.
Eve ate really well right after she had been born but was struggling the rest of the day. She had been spitting up here and there and the nurse said she must have swallowed some fluid on her way out. Her glucose levels were fine so they said not to worry. When the nurse brought her in during the night she told me she suctioned out her stomach and got quite a bit of fluid out. She did better nursing after that.
Dan came back the next morning a little before 9:00. We had some pictures taken and I had my parents bring Hayley then so that we could have that moment captured. She was pretty quiet and not really sure what was going on, I think because there were so many people watching her. Eventually she turned into her Hayley self and was playing and laughing. Dan's parents came up in the afternoon and after that it was a pretty relaxing day. We had a "special" dinner that night and then watched the Jazz game. Dan stayed with me that night and we were out of the hospital by 11:00 the next morning.
Our special dinner.
The whole process has gone a lot smoother this time, super grateful for that. I have felt a lot better too. I can't believe we are a family of four! I feel so blessed and am so grateful to have two beautiful daughters! (A big thanks to  Rachel Garrett Photography  for doing a "Fresh 48" session for us! Go check her out.)

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