Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Greatest Gift

Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year! And this Christmas we have a wonderful announcement, the greatest gift we will ever receive (besides of course our Savior and His Atonement), the gift of becoming parents!
Our little nugget is coming July 2015. We weren't planning on having a child for another year but I guess Heavenly Father had other plans. We are really excited though! I have been wanting to be a Mother for years, I guess it's just that innate Motherly thing girls are born with. And it especially hit me when I was on my mission. I don't know why but I thought about becoming a Mother more than I ever had when I was a missionary. I learned a lot about myself and the purpose of the Gospel and life and I guess that's where it came from.
I found out on November 3. I had an annual exam with my OB a week and a half before and I had been taking the pill but had it in my head that I might be pregnant, so when I was there I had them do a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I'll be honest, I was a little disappointed but felt ok because Dan and I weren't planning on it yet. But then I started having to use the bathroom a lot more and I was late on my menstrual cycle. So I bought some cheap home pregnancy tests and couldn't believe the result! I saw those two lines and just started crying, and freaking out a little. It still hasn't really hit me, even though I've heard my baby's heartbeat and dry heave or throw up every morning and feel hungry ALL the time.
A little less than 7 weeks, that's our baby's heartbeat!
After I found out I was pregnant I had to figure out how I was going to tell Dan. I was really scared to tell him because of how he'd react to the news, with us not being as prepared as we would have liked. He had received a package for the dirt bike a few days before and the box was still sitting on the table so I decided to tell him he got another package and it was waiting for him when he got home. I put the pregnancy test and a shirt that says, "I can't keep calm I'm going to be a Daddy," in it and waited for him to get home and open it. He took a few seconds and the first thing he said was, "You really are pregnant?" Ha, I still have to laugh a little about that. I just told him that it looks that way and what he was thinking. He was excited and that made me really happy. We sat and talked for a little while about it and hugged and kissed. We're going to be parents!
About three weeks later I had my doctor's appointment. That's when it hit a little more that I was having a child, sitting around these other women with children and pregnant bellies. It was a beautiful moment when I got to see and hear our baby's heartbeat. I got teary-eyed and still am in awe that us women can grow little bodies inside of us and how fast they do grow and begin to function. It truly is a miracle and a wonderful gift!
I had to tell my parents the weekend I found out, I couldn't wait and wanted to be able to talk to them about it. My Mom guessed, which I was kind of bummed about, but oh well. My Dad got a little teary eyed and that was touching. They both have been great and cute about their little grandbaby. We told Dan's parents the same evening, they didn't believe us at first ha. We told the rest of our siblings when we saw them and sent out Christmas cards with the news to our extended families and now it's finally time to announce it to all of you.
I am grateful for my Heavenly Father for having a plan for us and knowing that it's better than the plan we have for ourselves. I'm grateful He sent His Son to atone for our sins that we may return to live with Him again and be with our families forever. It wouldn't be possible without Him! He is the greatest gift.

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