Tuesday, November 4, 2014

24 & Surgery

I turned 24 on Sunday, October 26. I had gotten my hair cut from a friend a few weeks earlier that turned 24 and she told me how she cried because she realized some things with her age. At the time I kind of thought that was odd but the morning of my birthday I cried too. Sometimes I just feel like I haven't done much with my 24 years of life. I served a shorter mission than most (which I realize was enough for the One that really matters but it's still hard sometimes), I only have an Associate's Degree in General Studies, I don't have any children (which will come in time but in the LDS community 24 seems old to not have kids), and I haven't really left a mark on society. I don't know why I feel the need to do so but I guess I just feel like I'm meant for something more, at least I want to believe I am. I want to accomplish more in life and be someone who was remembered for doing good, remarkable things. Sorry for getting so deep! Ha that's just what was going through my mind and that's why I cried. But apparently I'm not the only one, just different ages for us girls. I wonder if guys ever cry on any of their birthdays...?
Dan and I were planning to go the drive-in on Friday the 24th but it was closed. So we got some Zupas and I felt like playing with a baby, what else is new?, and so we text our friends and asked if we could watch their little man while they went to the temple. Luckily they said yes, and we got to play games with them after they got out of their session. And then on Saturday my awesome in-laws took us to Ruby River Steakhouse, that was the first time I'd been there and it was really good. We hung out at our apartment for a little while after and I got some awesome gifts from them. I got tons of oreos over the weekend, some gummy bears, a fit bit, some cute shoes from my hubby, and birthday money. Sunday we hung out with my family. My Mom made some delicious chicken tortilla soup per my request, oh and cake pops! I think I've asked for those the last three birthdays because I love them. Way better than just plain cake. We played games, made some goodies, and got to catch up with each other. I am so blessed. I am so often reminded of how amazing my families are!
The Wednesday before my birthday Dan ruptured his achilles playing basketball. I applied my knowledge from my Athletic Training program and took care of him to the best of my ability. I did some tests and RICES and then we went to the doctor on Monday. The doctor performed the same test I did, that made me feel good, and we scheduled surgery for Friday- Halloween. His Dad was nice enough to get him a scooter from amazon so that he could get around better than crutches because crutches are wretched! (Although now that he has had his surgery he has to use them around the house, but at least not at school all the time.)
So we were at the hospital at 11:00 on Friday morning to get Dan all ready for surgery. He filled out paper work and then we went back to a prep room and he changed and they put the IV in him. Once he was basically ready to go I decided to head to my clinic and get some hours, I didn't want to just sit and wait in the waiting room. I got back before the nurse called me and said he was out. My Mother-in-Law, Becky, arrived shortly after the phone call and we sat and waited for the doctor to come talk to us about the surgery. All went well except that Daniel ruptured his achilles more proximal than distal (closer to his calf muscle, not ankle where the bone is) and therefore he has to be NWB (non-weight bearing) for 5-6 weeks instead of just 4. He was bummed about that, and I don't blame him, but it'll be better in the long run. They took us back to see him when he had been awake for about ten minutes, which I was a little annoyed with because I wanted to be there when he woke up but oh well. He was just groggy all day and didn't really do anything video worthy, he's not fun under anesthesia ha. We finally left the hospital at about 5:00. His Mom took him to our house while I ran to McKay-Dee to get a disability permit for him. He slept for a few hours once we got home and then we headed to my parents for the night. The anesthesia made him a little sick but he was better the next day. We even went to the Jazz game! Sunday he started hurting a little more so we did some cryotherapy (an ice pump), and elevated him basically all day.
He's gotten a little frustrated and is tired of his injury already, and I would be too if I had to hobble on crutches for that long, but I'm taking care of him as best I can. It's hard on both of us because he can't do much and then I have to do what I normally do and then some. It'll definitely test our patience but we'll become a stronger couple because of it. What better way to show someone you love them than to serve them? It'll be a rough few weeks but we'll appreciate each other more and be really happy when he can walk again!

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