Thursday, December 12, 2013

'Tis the season, but for what?

My husband and I, along with my siblings and their dates, had the fortunate opportunity to go see "The Forgotten Carols" last night at Weber State's Dee Events Center. My Mom introduced the performance to our family when we were younger and I have loved it since. As I've gotten older I have appreciated it a lot more. I understand what Michael McLean is trying to convey in his message about Christmas.
I wanted to share a few of those things myself. If you know the songs but haven't seen the performance then make it a priority! The songs will mean that much more to you knowing what is behind them. Each song has a carol that goes with it and is something that needs to not be forgotten, hence the title. McLean reminds us of the real meaning of Christmas through these carols. We must not be the Innkeeper who turned the Savior away, but instead let him in. And even though we were not there, like the shepherd who fell asleep, we (hopefully) feel that it is real when we hear the story.
I love how McLean talks about believing things that our mind tells us aren't real, but our heart does. He's acting as Uncle John who is 2,000 years old. That isn't believable but we can then in turn believe that angels came down to shepherds and a star magically appeared to lead wise men to a Son of God who was born of a virgin?! That surely doesn't make sense, yet we know it to be true. I love it. I love that logic doesn't over rule everything and that our heart can rule our minds.
These carols truly bring in the Spirit of Christmas. As soon as the first bit of music started playing I felt a tingling sensation, and all throughout the performance I felt it. I love the spirit felt, and how McLean doesn't make it about his performance, but he makes it about us and the things he wants us to feel and remember. It's magical!
'Tis the season, 'tis the season to remember what CHRISTmas is all about. To be a more giving people, a more thoughtful people, a more caring people, a better people. Let the spirit of the season into your heart, and share it with everyone! Remember our Savior and what He has done for us. Nothing could be possible without Him and His life. Celebrate that! And not just this month, but all year long.
Merry Christmas everyone! 

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