Sunday, November 17, 2013

Missionary Flashback

Yesterday, November 16, two years ago I would be entering the MTC. I can remember some of it better than others. I can remember saying goodbye to my family, my Mom handing me a bag of chocolate drops (she knows me too well) as we did so.
Being dropped off.
I can remember meeting my district and companion and teachers. I can remember thinking it was the longest day ever and if it would ever end. I can remember wondering, "What have I done?" The first few days were hard, really hard. I missed my family, I was struggling learning Spanish, I felt overwhelmed with all we had to do and be. It was a lot of change in such a short time and I didn't want to forget who I really was. I didn't want to forget the reason I was doing this in the first place.
I changed in the MTC, A LOT. It's interesting but you can sure tell the new missionaries vs. ones who have been there over 6 weeks. You grow so much during your time there. And then reality hits all over again that first day in the field. You thought you knew stuff... until you serve a mission, that is the only way I can really describe it.
I sure had different expectations than what I went through. And sometimes I think I wish I would have known about mental illnesses before I went out so I could have helped myself more, but other times I think it's better I didn't because I truly didn't know how serious my illness was until I came home and learned more about it. But I needed to learn from it, like I've said. It's what Heavenly Father wanted for me.
And that's not all I learned, heavens no. I learned so much about myself and others. Missions are wonderful. They're hard, don't underestimate that word for a second, but they're worth it. They push you and force you out of your comfort zone and teach you things you can't learn anywhere else. Everyone who is able should serve. You won't regret it.
I am grateful for all I learned on mine. I think about it daily and am grateful for the time I had in the field, be it shorter than I thought it'd be. I am a better person because of it and I can't imagine where or who I'd be if I didn't serve. And I just love being able to relate to people when they say, "This one time on my mission, " or, "On my mission...." If you're thinking about going, stop thinking and DO IT. Know that it won't be easy but it'll be worth it. And remember that not all missions require going to the MTC and some foreign state or country, there are different types and kinds of missions that Heavenly Father has in store for us.
As for Dan and I, I know it has blessed our marriage. I love that we can have companionship inventory and tell mission stories to each other and appreciate them. I am grateful I got to learn Spanish, and how it'll further me in my career and bless our family now and future family. I love how it prepared me to be a wife and mother.
"We are commanded by God to take this gospel to all the world. That is the cause that must unite us today. Only the gospel will save the world from the calamity of its own self-destruction. Only the gospel will unite men of all races and nationalities in peace. Only the gospel will bring joy, happiness, and salvation to the human family." -Ezra Taft Benson
There's nothing like serving a mission, greatest experience FOR your life.

A little P.S. Sometimes I feel like I didn't achieve much on my mission, but I am grateful for those reminders that I receive that show me I did at least one thing. Sadly, this past Saturday November 23 a dear friend and convert of mine passed away. I am grateful he received the Gospel before this happened to him, and am even more grateful that I was able to be part of his conversion.
Brother Jose Reyna, love him so much.

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