Friday, October 18, 2013

Answered Prayers

Dan and I have been extremely blessed lately and I can't help but share! The Gospel is true, Heavenly Father loves us and is ever aware of us. I am so grateful He gives us those reminders when we are silly enough to forget.
General Conference was amazing, as it always is. I loved and enjoyed so many talks, but there was one in particular that was an answer to a prayer that I had been waiting for for what I thought was quite some time. A few people already know what talk that was, I got a few texts and messages after the talk was given and I thank those people for thinking of me and showing their love and concern. Elder Holland gave the talk that answered my prayer. I cried through the whole thing and felt like Heavenly Father was was speaking directly to me. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "Like A Broken Vessel" My Mom sent me this a few days ago and it kind of put the cherry on top. From President Monson's new book Consider the Blessings, "Sometimes it takes many years for the Lord's purposes to become known." The week before at the Relief Society General Broadcast, there was another quote given by the Prophet that I felt was just for me. He said, "I promise you that one day you will stand aside and look at your difficult times, you will realize that He was always there beside you." My mom leaned over and nudged me after he said that. I look forward to that day.
I finally was able to get a job, which has relieved a few of our worries. Dan can hardly work with his 17 credit hour school schedule, so the income weighs a little more on me and I am grateful to have scored this job. I am the athletic study hall monitor at Weber State. I check students in and out of a study hall tracker and make sure they don't get too loud. I am able to study and do things like this, write blogs. It's a very good job and I am loving it so far. Although I don't know if I enjoy seeing the epitome of college athletes... I'm seriously so happy each and every day that I'm married.
Being unemployed for over two months we were stressed about making ends meet with bills and such, but tithing is magical. Somehow everything worked out and we were even able to purchase Dan's baby.
We don't know how it all worked out but it did and we are so grateful. We are truly blessed when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.
When life gets hard, count your blessings! They are always there.

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