Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Loving Memory

The entire Harris family.
It's been almost three months since my wonderful Grandpa Harris passed away. I would feel I was doing him a disservice if I didn't write about how wonderful he was. I miss him everyday. Since his passing I have had a few dreams with him in them and it's been nice to see him again.
My last picture with the two of them, Thanksgiving last year.
It was Wednesday, June 19, a week before Dan and my wedding. We were getting ready to move some things into our apartment when my Dad came home. My sister was in the room too and he barely spluttered out that he needed to tell us something before crying like I've never seen him cry before. I immediately knew it was Grandpa and asked if he died. My Dad confirmed and the three of us just hugged and cried for a few minutes.
Grandpa had been sick for a while. I would talk to my grandparents often, as they lived in St. George for all but a few months in the summer, and he had every kind of Doctor's appointment you could imagine. He has been in and out of the hospital for years for heart and lung problems and this year he was steadily getting worse. I think we all knew it was coming but it did take us a little by surprise, being a week before the happiest day of my life.
I called my Grandma as soon as I got the chance and was amazed, and still am, at her strength. She was comforting me. She told us about the funeral service they'd be having down in St. George that weekend and although we still had several things to do to prepare for a wedding, we all made it down there. (Except Nikkole but she had to work and attended the funeral in Hyrum the next week.) I was grateful to Dan to take the time to drive down with me and join me for such a hard event. And grateful to his family for letting him, again with a few days before our wedding.

The funeral was very nice. My Uncle Lee spoke about Grandpa's life and the amazing man he was. And then my Dad followed with some more stories. My cousin Kaylee and I had the opportunity to speak about the great Grandpa he was. He really was the nicest man I've ever known. I have only seen him angry once in my entire life. He is so gentle and loving. He taught me how to fish. He would always give us candy and a dollar or two when we'd come visit. We as grandchildren had the fortunate opportunity to spend a week every summer with Grandma and Grandpa. I am grateful that I got to know him so well. He was always thinking about something or somebody else. He was the hardest worker I ever knew, he was always good to help out in the yard and fix everything. He would just sit in his chair and keep to himself unless he came up with a question to ask you or you talked to him. Every time I would call and talk to him he'd always ask if I had enough money to get by, he always wanted to make sure I was doing ok. He and my Grandma contributed a lot to my mission, which I am so grateful for. He was uniquely funny, he'd howl and bark like a dog if we'd see one or crack jokes that only Grandpa could come up with.
Supporting me at Graduation.
Spring Break 2010 in St. George.
Making Grandma's famous Easter Cookies.
Supporting me at my mission farewell.

I am grateful he was MY Grandpa. I'm grateful for the lessons he taught me and the example he was to me. I will miss him until I get to see him again, and I know I will see him again. I am grateful for the Gospel and Heavenly Father's plan of Happiness. My Grandma told me that if he would have made it up North that he probably wouldn't have been able to make it to the wedding and she might not have either in order to take care of him, but this way he was able to be there, and so was she. And I know he was, I thought about him in the Celestial room and know he was there.
I'll always miss you Grandpa, but know you aren't very far away. I love you so much and thank you for everything. God be with you 'til we meet again.

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