Thursday, January 2, 2014

Winter Break

Dan and I had a really wonderful break! I'm pretty sure I can safely say for both of us that we don't want the semester to start, but that's life. And school really isn't too bad but it does limit our time together. So it was nice to spend a lot of that time together over this break!
We got out of school the second week of December. I have been spoiled this break because since school's out that means no work for me either. Thankfully that also means that Dan has been able to get some work in.
Friday the 13th was actually a really good day for us. We had some ward friends over, Cassie and Spencer Jeppsen, and we ate dinner that Cassie made and played some really fun games. I knew Cassie from lifeguarding at Cherry Hill and one day in Relief Society this cute girl sits next to me and we both do the double take and have become better friends since! We enjoy our games nights with the Jeppsen's and the friendship we are forming with them.
We had fun making gingerbread houses too.
The next day, Saturday, was spent in Logan for a family party on my side. We met with my Mom's family and went bowling and then did soup and presents at my Aunt KayeLyn's house after. It was fun to see everyone, the family never stops growing.
On Monday the 16th, I had planned a little Sister Missionary Reunion dinner with some Hermanas from my mission. Unfortunately, only two ended up making it but we still had lots of fun. I made some tortilla soup that I have to admit was pretty dang good. We all had seconds. It was fun to catch up with Katherine Regis and Jasmin Oomrigar. They are both wonderful girls and I learn so much from them still. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to serve with them and become friends. Mission friends seriously are friends for life! I love them.

Oomrigar, Harris, Regis
Our next adventure was our ski day at Park City resort. We got passes a few months prior for only $25, what a steal! Dan had been counting down the days until we could hit the slopes. Since it was such a good deal the Hayward family was nice enough to let my family join too. Both my siblings came and Nikkole's boyfriend at the time, Mike Kelley. (I say at the time because they were engaged two days later, which I'll be writing about.)
The group.
Hayward Family.
I hadn't skied in five years and the last time I did was one time and before that it had been more than five years and I was using a wedge to keep my skis together. It took me a while to get used to it. I am overly cautious with my anxiety now too. It kind of holds me back, and I don't like it, but once I got the hang of it it was a lot more fun. Dan had been off and on for a few winters before and after his mission so he was so ready and, like everything else, was a natural at it. Brittany was right there with me, and everyone else seemed to have a lot more experience and was doing great. It was a little cold with the snow coming down, and hard to see sometimes with the fog, but it was a great day. It was some good exercise and some pretty mountains.
Saturday the 21st was a very busy day! We were going from one thing to the next. In the morning we got ready to head to the Temple and hit the 11:00 session in Salt Lake. We went with the Hayward family. I love going back to that temple. I performed baptisms for the dead there the first time, received my endowments there, and Dan and I were sealed there so naturally it has special meaning and I love being there. There is no place like home. We had lunch in the cafeteria after our session and it was really good. (Reminded me of eating in Provo's cafeteria as a district because the MTC food got SO old.) After we finished eating Dan and I got ready to help set up for Mike and Nikkole's proposal! Mike's sister, Kristi, was basically in charge and told us what to do. So we got everything set up at Mike's Grandma's in Bountiful and executed the plan once the couple arrived. Mike used lanterns to ask Nikkole, he spray painted on them "Nikkole will you marry me?" and each word was on a separate lantern. 
The videos have been posted on Facebook. It was very cute and romantic and I was sure happy to be part of it! I got to take all the photos. 
So happy for my big little sister!
A little after the proposal took place Dan and I had to hurry off to his Grandma's house for that family party. We ate dinner and had the kids perform a program and then played a game and talked. It was fun. I really like Dan's family and am grateful for the times I get to know them better.
The Monday before Christmas my Mom set an appointment to go dress shopping for Nikkole. I was lucky enough to be invited by the bride-to-be. It was really fun. My sister is seriously so beautiful and I am so excited for her and Mike. I'm mostly excited that she'll then be endowed too and my whole family can go inside the temple! That will be a wondrous day. After her appointment we met up with my Dad, Mike, and Dan and went to temple square to see the lights. It was a busy Monday night. Once we had walked around most of it we headed to Robintino's in Bountiful for dinner. The pizza was good and the company was better.
On Christmas Eve we wanted to just stay home and spend time with one another, since Christmas day would be filled with family time. I wanted to start doing our own traditions and be with my hubs. We, well mostly I, decided that every year on Christmas Eve we are going to make a different kind of cookie. Those of you who know me well know I am a cookie monster, and I think it will be fun when we have kids to let them take turns picking what kind of cookies we make. We kept it simple this year and made chocolate chip. We also read Luke 2 to remind ourselves the real meaning of the season. Dan was super excited for Christmas and wanted to open a present so we decided to each open one. Then we watched a Christmas episode of The Office that Dan hadn't seen. It was a fun night. 
The next day was Christmas! Dan woke up a little before 8 and I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up at 8. I woke up feeling sick, no fun, but had a good day nonetheless. We opened all our presents and then had some breakfast. 
After we were ready for the day we headed back to Dan's Grandma's and opened gifts from her and then off to my parents' to do lunch and more gifts. We had a really fabulous lunch and received some wonderful presents. We missed Matt this year, he was in Cali with his girlfriend, but had two new additions. My Mom is the best at stocking stuffers! We watched the beginning of "It's A Wonderful Life" and then had to head over to Dan's parents'. We did more gifts there and skyped with Steve and Audrey while opening them. We are truly spoiled! Our parents are so generous and we are so grateful for them. Once we finished with that we headed to Salt Lake to Papa's,  for dinner and more gifts. Gifts all around! Papa takes really good care of us. It was fun to see all of our other relatives and spend time with them. It was sure a long, busy day but it was a wonderful first Christmas together! I am so excited to spend all the rest with Dan.
Probably my favorite part of our vacation was the next two days. On Thursday the 26th Dan and I celebrated our six month anniversary! I had planned us a trip to Eden for the night and was going to surprise him but accidentally let it slip without realizing it a few days prior. We checked in about 2:00 and had a nice basement apartment with a hot tub all to ourselves. We ate dinner at Carlos and Harley's, which was SO good, and then got some hot tubbing in afterward. We played games in the game room and in our apartment while drinking hot chocolate, it was just refreshingly fun. I was happy to get away, just the two of us, and fall more in love.
Recreating our honeymoon picture.
Hot tubbing.
Happy 6 months to us!
For New Year's Eve we had Curtis and Candace Carlisle and Mike and Nikkole over for treats and games. It was fun to get together with them and laugh all night. It was also nice to have the same new year's kiss I had last year and will have forevermore! New year's day was spent with the Hayward's, we had lunch at Applebee's and went bowling in Midvale, since it was middle ground for us and Peter and Brittany. We got home with enough time to watch a movie we got for Christmas. 
Sad that this break is almost over, but at the same time it will be nice to get into the swing of things again. This semester should be pretty good for both of us! We hope it is for all of you too, whether you're in school or not, and wish you a Happy New Year!

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