Monday, September 16, 2024

SURPRISE! Pregnancy Number Four

I never thought I'd be writing about another pregnancy but here I am. If we're good friends, then you know that I was content with my three girls. I stopped getting baby hungry and was happy to not have to go through another pregnancy, birth, and toddlerhood. But if I've learned anything throughout my life, it's that things often don't go as we plan. And I know that once this baby is in my arms, that it will all be ok. Getting through the pregnancy is the hard part.

I eventually realized my period was a few days late and so I bought a pregnancy test and got the quickest positive I've ever had (February 22nd). I immediately felt a wave of many emotions and it was an overwhelming day... which has turned into an overwhelming few months if I'm being honest haha. 

I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and have been telling myself that I need to write about this as I go so I don't forget things, but how do you really forget being pregnant? The last time I was pregnant was five years ago - living a deja vu of sorts because my due date from Paige and this baby are only five days apart. Even though it's been five years I have not forgotten how rough pregnancy is for me, and this one has been next level.

I started feeling nauseous and fatigued almost immediately. Then I started vomiting in between five and six weeks and things went downhill from there. I was so nauseous that I didn't want to get out of bed because it seemed like anytime I moved I'd throw up. I lost my appetite - nothing sounded good. I had to force myself to drink so that I wouldn't get dehydrated. I lost weight. I slept as much as I could to escape how I felt. My poor girls missed out on some things because leaving the house was the last thing I wanted to do. I stopped teaching my fitness classes and had to get subs every week, and eventually just dropped my HIGH class altogether. It was an extremely hard 6-7 weeks before I finally got some medication and started feeling a little better.

I told Dan the day I got my positive test because I needed him to know. It was hard enough waiting until he got home from work that day. I wrapped the positive test in a note that said, "You're getting snipped." It's his turn to take one for the team haha. He was very excited, which I wasn't surprised about because he's been wanting more kids.
We had plans to go to Utah over Spring Break, March 12th-19th. So I bought a fun onesie to give my parents while we were there to announce it to them, but I ended up calling them the Saturday before we were leaving to go see them in tears because I needed to talk to them about it. I was having a particularly hard day and I was worried about traveling with how sick I was and so I just blurted it all out to them over a video call. Definitely not the way I wanted it go down but my mental health was declining too and this was for the best. 

My parents were here a little before Mardi Gras and got to experience a King Cake. If you didn't know, there's a baby in each one and whoever gets it is supposed to have good luck. So this is my PSA to anyone who isn't ready for a baby - don't eat the king cake! ;)
I do not recommend traveling during your first trimester if you get super sick. It's honestly a miracle that I didn't throw up on our flight into SLC. I felt awful for basically the whole flight and was constantly praying that I wouldn't barf. It was good to see my family though and definitely worth it to have their help for a week. Although I was really hoping I'd be able to help my Mom while we were there because she had recently had surgery on her foot/ankle. I felt bad that she ended up taking care of me instead of me taking care of her. 
I got an ultrasound at a fetal photo place in Salt Lake the day after we got to Utah. I just needed to have that verification before we told anyone else. This pregnancy hasn't felt totally real sometimes, even though I've been sick and had been getting a bump.
I told Dan's family when the girls and I we were over there for dinner one night. We were just sitting around chatting and I announced the surprise and they were all very excited for me, which was nice. Dan didn't come with us and his Dad was actually visiting him and so he ended up telling Paul about it.
Easter Sunday, nine weeks.
We didn't end up telling the girls until after I had my first Doctor's appointment at ten weeks. We figured they'd just tell everyone so it was best to keep it from them as long as possible. And even when we did tell them we bribed them to keep it a secret for just a little while longer. They were ecstatic! Hayley definitely the most and I think Paige only was cause her sisters were ha (she has since understood it more and has become excited on her own). But they have all been nothing but sweet about it and pray for me and the baby almost every prayer they say. Hayley and Evelyn have actually been praying for baby brotherS (yes, multiple) for a couple years now. 
Here's the proof! This is from Evelyn.
Quick little side story: I remember picking Hayley up from Kindergarten one day and her teacher asking me if I knew I was supposed to have a baby boy. I was confused so she explained to me that Hayley said the prayer in class that day and prayed for a baby brother. Bless her heart. I guess they feel left out not having a brother. So I partially blame them for this too haha, answered prayers at my expense. But they're going to the best big sisters and that helps this whole situation immensely.
My first appointment with my OB/GYN went great. I really like her and it's honestly a miracle that I found her. Dan was working with her husband one day, who is also an orthopedic surgeon, and her office called me and got me an appointment. I really didn't want a repeat of what I had in Texas of seeing a bunch of different residents. I like and need consistency. So this is great and she is on board with me doing natural.
I had my anatomy ultrasound at 18 weeks. Dan was able to come to my appointment, which has been rare with just about every pregnancy, but especially this one and Paige's. Everything is looking great and baby is healthy and growing how he/she should. Baby was super curled up so we didn't get a good look at the face but it was fun and crazy to see their legs over their head haha. Knees were almost touching the forehead.

I am now 26 weeks along and things are getting rough, quick. I still haven't stopped barfing. I think the longest I went was two weeks, which I'll take, but I just wish I was done for the rest of this experience. I had Dan prescribe me some more Diclegis because I'm also getting nauseous again along with the barfing.
I was able to do lots of exercising while we were in Utah, with some modifications when needed. I'm trying real hard to keep moving, no matter what that looks like. It was easier while were there because there are lots of events to attend and I have instructor friends whose classes I like to go to. Since getting back I have taught my Surge Strength class but I'm wondering for how much longer I'll be able to keep it up.
I've been cramping more often and I'm still super tired. I don't know how people get energy in their second trimester. Baby is also moving lots and gets the hiccups frequently. Being back in the humidity is the worst and basically I don't go outside here.

Well, I only made it to 32 weeks this pregnancy. And I can't say I'm complaining about that. I definitely felt like the last few weeks of this pregnancy felt like the end of my other ones. Maybe my body knew all along that I wouldn't make it to 40 weeks ha. I honestly did have a feeling that this baby would come early, but definitely not 8 weeks! And it was quite the way to end being pregnant, but very on par with how things have gone from the beginning with this sweet, baby boy. 
Two days before Josh was born.

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