Friday, January 12, 2024

Sojourn to Utah: End of December 2023-Beginning of January 2024

I'll never tire of going "home for the holidays." It's such a wonderful blessing and my cup is always full after spending time with family and old, dear friends. Plus this trip was extra special because Dan had his first vacation since he started residency back in July and was able to join us for most of our time there.

December 20
It was a busy morning of running around to get everything ready to leave and finish packing. We ended up leaving our house around 11:30 AM. We drove to Bucee's, got some beaver nuggets for Grandpa and had a bathroom break, and then we headed to Ryan & Kylee's house in Forney. Ryan was kind enough to give us a ride to the airport and take my car back and park it at their house while we were in Utah.
Once we made it through security we got some Chick-Fil-A for dinner and then it was about time to board. The girls did well on the flight. They really are the best travel buddies and I'm so grateful for all the travels we've done since they were little so it's nothing new for them. We landed around 8:00 PM and were surprised by Paul and Becky in the airport. It was nice of them to help get our luggage out to the curb, where my dad picked us up and drove us back to my parent's. 

They got pretty impatient waiting to board, and we only waited for about half an hour.
My reminders that flying isn't so bad and I can handle it.

December 21
It was a pretty chill day. We got things settled in the Harris hotel, as my Mom likes to call it haha. The girls played with some new toys Grandma added over the last few months and enjoyed being back in their grandparents' house.

December 22
We did our annual Fotofly Santa pictures this morning. It was a nice change up to do them at a different location since we've been doing them for so long. I will be sad the day that tradition is no more.
Nikkole and her boys came over while we were getting those done and the girls were thrilled to play with their cousins when we got back. They generally play pretty well together and it's fun for them to have buddies around often. 
Evelyn loves baby Jace. She is a good "little mama," sometimes too good.

December 23
I taught a Holiday HIGH Fitness class this morning with my instructor friends that I've been doing it with for years now. It's always a good time and I look forward to it every year. I got some fun colored hair extensions that I wore because I like the idea of having colored hair and removing it at the end of the day, but I didn't think about how my sweat would transfer it to my own hair. So I had pink spots in my hair afterwards ha.
We went to the Christensen Christmas party (my mom's side) in the late morning over at another church in Kaysville. We did games, had lunch, and then my Grandpa let each grandkid and great grandkid choose a handmade gift he carved from wood. I chose a light box, Paige got the only thing that wasn't wood which was a jar of licorice, Evelyn got a pioneer wagon equipped with all the tools (it's really neat), and Hayley got a handcart. I forgot my gift at my parent's but the other things all made it safely home in our luggage.

December 24
We woke up and got ready for church, which was at 8:30. My Mom's ward choir put on a Christmas program that was beautiful. My mom is the ward choir director and did an amazing job! I went to Peter & Brittany's ward to hear Peter speak. He did a great job and I'm glad he told me about it so I could go support him. I don't often get to do things like that for my family and I'm grateful when I can.
After we ate lunch we went over to Paul & Becky's/Howell's to celebrate Jaden's birthday. I can't believe I have a nephew that's a teenager! The other Haywards were there as well and the cousins all had a blast playing together. We had cake and ice cream, chatted for a bit, and then headed back over to my parent's.
Matt & Andrea arrived to stay for a few days a little bit after we got back from Hayward's/Howell's. They gave the girls a cute bayou Christmas book for Christmas that I read to them before bedtime. It's hard reading with a thick southern accent haha. Then we read the TRUE Christmas story out of the Bible while the kids did my Mom's felt nativity scene. Another favorite tradition of mine. I always hope my girls remember the real reason we celebrate. I'm grateful for my Savior and am in constant awe of the way He came into this world. 

December 25
The girls woke up fairly early (like they had been every morning), but they're used to it because of school and with the time change it just makes it seem extra early. They got ready for the day while their cousins opened their Christmas gifts. I told them that Santa took their presents to Louisiana, same as when we lived in Texas, so they were a little bummed about that but they still got to open gifts from Grandparents and cousins.
The best gift was having Dan arrive this morning! I'm so grateful we finally had some time to spend together without his job interrupting.
My siblings and I got my mom the Lego piano for Christmas, something she had been wanting, and it was cool to see her reaction. She was excited and she and Matt built it over the next few days. It's really cool because it actually plays music and was made/designed by a piano tech.
After we had a delicious Christmas meal, we headed over to the Hayward's/Howell's for Christmas with Dan's side. The kids played for a little while, we did gifts, and then we had some more food.
It was a wonderful Christmas, and I'm grateful we could spend it with all of our family members! What a blessing!

Matching Elf sweatshirts from my Mom. And the best part is they have a sound clip of him screaming, "Santa! I know him!"

December 26
The kids spent the morning playing with their new toys and their cousin's new toys. It was so fun to have Beau and Boston there and kind of them to share all their new presents.
That evening we went to World of Illumination at the fairgrounds' parking lot. We took my Dad's truck and met Nikkole there so we could all load up in it and drive through the lights. It was lots of fun and the kids loved it! I was grateful to be inside the truck ha cause it was a little chilly but those in the back were nice and bundled up.
Paiger got more leotards from the Howells and had to put one on this morning.

December 27
I had breakfast with my bestie, Ashley Stokes, this morning at Jeremiah's. It was an amazing breakfast place and I think it may need to become a regular place to go to when we're in Utah. It was great catching up with her and chatting about life. Always grateful we've stayed close.
The Kelley's came over and all the cousins had more time playing together. My girls soak it up. I wish they could have times like this more often.
Dan and I went to the Bountiful Temple in the early evening to do sealings with his parents and siblings and their spouses. It's always a wonderful time in the temple and I'm grateful we went, it'd been a while since we had together. I'm grateful for the blessings that are promised therein and that we are a part of the Church of Jesus Christ.
We went to dinner at Robintino's afterwards. It was nice to talk to his siblings and parents without all our kids interrupting haha.
I love my forever companion.

December 28
We got free tickets to Seaquest Aquarium weeks ago when they were doing a promo so we took the hooligans to do that this morning. No surprise that there were LOTS of people there, but we made it through the place pretty quick and it wasn't bad. The kids had fun and that's why we did it haha.
I went and got my hair done that afternoon. I had already had my appointment but it was a bonus that I did because I got my girl Kristie to fix my pink hair. She's the best and I love how we did my hair this time. I cut quite a few inches off because my hair needed a fresh cut. It'll be an adjustment getting used to shorter hair again but I love it.
Spot the sloth in the bottom left corner.

December 29
Dan and I went and visited his former mission president, we were in their ward for a couple years while we lived in Kaysville too. We love the Pehrsons! They are fabulous people and always make me feel like a million bucks.
That evening Becky watched all the grandkids while the parents went and played racquetball at Surf 'N Swim. It was lots of fun and we had some good laughs as well as some good exercise. We got ice cream afterwards and talked for a little bit before picking our kids up.

December 30
We did family photos with the Hayward side at a studio in Sandy since it had been a few years since we did them. Then we went to Pace's afterwards and got some rainbows and food. More good times spent with family.
Love all my cute nieces and nephews!
My cute friend Lauren took our photos.
The girls spent lots of time with these tiles building things.

December 31
We had another early morning so we could make it to church at 8:30. The girls were excited to wear their new dresses they got from Grandma and actually go to Primary this week (last week we only had one hour of church). It's always good to see old wardies I grew up with and catch up a little bit.
We went over to Hayward's/Howell's for a few hours in the afternoon to play games before Howell's went south for their new year's eve party.
We did not stay up 'til midnight, which is fine with us. Our kids don't even really know what a new year's eve party is because I don't think we've ever stayed up that late since having them haha.

January 1
I finally got a workout in this morning. I had been pretty inconsistent since getting sick and what better day to recommit than new year's day? It was good and my legs felt it for days.
Dan and I went to a Jazz game this evening. My Dad was kind enough to give us the tickets he gets for being a client that were for the Toyota Club on row 10. Jazz games will never be the same without the Toyota Club now. I had not been living my best life! It was nice to spend time alone with Dan and talk and enjoy each other's company. I love him. Plus the Jazz game was pretty dang good too!

January 2
My Dad ended up working from home today because of issues with the internet at work, and he brought the girls a Barbie cookie kit from his stop at Sam's Club on his way home. So we did that with them this morning and they had fun decorating them. They did not taste that great so they didn't get eaten but at least they were occupied with something for a little while. It was also fun to see how each girl decorated her cookies.
I went to a Cardio Fuse class this evening taught by some friends of mine. It was fun and good to move my body again. My legs were sore from yesterday but it was good to loosen them up.
I swear just about every time this boy sat down on the couch he fell asleep. He had a lot of catching up to do from the last six months though!

January 3
I went to my friend Amber's UpBeat Barre class this morning and then we went to Jeremiah's afterwards for brunch. Seriously that place is so yummy. It was good to chat with Amber and share thoughts and ideas and cheer each other on. I love her and am grateful for our time together when I'm in town.
Dan went snowboarding today by himself because no one else could go with him and he's too good for my slower self. He enjoyed his time on the slopes and was glad he went.

January 4
Swig was doing free refreshers today so we had to go get those since there's one not too far from my parent's house. We also had to get our free cookies since the Jazz won last night.
The girls did some science experiments with Grandma and a kit she got to do with them.
I did a little bit of packing today so I wouldn't have to do it all tomorrow.
We went to Hayward's/Howell's for dinner so we could say goodbye to Steve & Audrey before they left for a cruise and wouldn't be back before we went home. We played some games and it started snowing before we loaded up to leave. The girls were thrilled! They had been wanting it to snow the entire time we were there.

January 5
My friend Marli invited me to teach a Surge Fit class with her this morning. It was the first time I team taught Surge with anyone and it was lots of fun. It was a little easier too since we could take more breaks cueing and such. I am always grateful for the group fitness community and how they let me just join them where ever I am.
The girls played outside in the snow for a while because they were so excited about it, despite not really having the proper attire ha.
I spent a lot of the day doing laundry and packing our stuff up so we were ready to go early the next morning. Surprisingly we only had to take one extra duffle bag and it wasn't even completely full.

January 6
We were up before 3:00 AM to get ready and head to the airport. It was nice of my Mom to get up and take us. We made it through security and to our gate without any problems. The flight was a little bit bumpy getting out of Utah but overall not bad. Each of the girls slept a little bit, thankfully, and I think Dan slept about the whole time since he was up all night playing Halo with friends the night before.
We landed around 9:00 AM and Kylee picked us up, bless her. We took Dan to his car that he parked at a hotel and headed back to Ryan & Kylee's. We spent about an hour there chatting and they were kind enough to feed us. We made a stop at Bucee's and then drove back home. The girls did great on both the flight and the drive. 
We did Christmas for them when we got home and then Dan and I both took a long nap while they played with their new stuff.
Thanks to Grandma Susan for the face stickers that kept them entertained while we waited to board.
They were excited to see the actual Bucee!

And now my least favorite part of getting back into our routine, putting away Christmas decor, and unpacking suitcases. But it's always worth it! I do live for our trips to Utah!

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