Sunday, October 22, 2023

Paige: Four Years

Little Paiger is four! She's growing too quick and definitely thinks she's bigger than she actually is.

Paige is spicy and silly and has some attitude and makes us laugh and is spunky and oh we just love her! She has quite the personality and sometimes I just do not know how to handle her. 
Paige is still shy around new people and in new places. It takes a few times to win her over and for her to open up and be comfortable around you, which is so different than the person she is at home! She does well going to the gym although we had to readjust to the new one when we moved. She was also going to her primary class in Lubbock (she had the best teachers!) and even in Utah when we were staying with my parents, but so far in Shreveport she has been once and she cried most of the time. She usually goes to her sisters' class. We'll see if we can get her back in hers ever again.
She is also still very much so my little shadow. She doesn't like doing much without me around unless it's familiar and even sometimes when it is it's still hard for her to be independent. I am curious to see how preschool will go next year. She misses her sisters when they're at school, especially now that Evelyn is gone all day too. The first month or so she would ask me constantly throughout the day if it was time to get them yet. She loves playing with them and trying to keep up with them.
Paige has been wearing 4T clothes most of this year, at least shirts. She has a long torso so 3T shirts wouldn't always cover her cute belly haha. She's also a little taller for her age. She loves wearing head bands and I can rarely convince her to let me do her hair. Getting her to eat is a chore most of the time. She just wants to snack a lot and not really eat meals. Mac n cheese is usually a winner and she likes Chick-Fil-A and Sonic.
Paige started doing gymnastics when we moved to Shreveport and she loves it. Again, it took her about a month to warm up to her teacher/class and be fully comfortable from start to end but she talks about it like it's the best thing she's ever done. It's fun to watch her try new things and enjoy herself. Plus she practically lives in her gymnastics leotards. She wants to wear them all day, every day.
Paige has become a lover of puzzles. She is really good at doing them too. It's pretty fun to watch her figure them out. She likes to color and I usually get multiple pictures after she's been in the gym childcare. She's still a lover of water and swimming. She had lots of fun at Lagoon this summer riding the rides, once she got brave enough to do them all.
Paige will still suck on her fingers when she sleeps and today that is going to stop, she's too old to keep doing it. We bought "stop the bite" stuff you paint on fingernails to help her stop. It works well as long as it hasn't worn off. She does like to take Buddy everywhere too. My mom was really good at making her put him on her bed over the summer and we need to start doing that again. She recently started a horrible habit of picking at her scabs. She now has scars on her forehead from picking at tiny ones that turned into big ones. Her scabs have now been there for over a month and I've tried several things to get her to stop that too. (Sigh, if anyone reading this has ideas please let me know.)
Paige will still let me snuggle with her and gives me hugs and kisses (most of the time) when I ask. She is my little bestie and I am terrified of the day that ends. 

Twinner costumes with her bestie, Bri.
Found this on my iPod.
She was loving the queso.
Fake nails for our spa day.
Christmas lights at Hogle Zoo.
She's not a fan of the silly string tradition.
Visiting Eve at school for her Valentine's party.
She likes getting in Dan's face while he's reading scriptures to see if she can get him to laugh.
Just being entertained while Hayley was getting cavities fixed.
Hayley did her hair on Mother's Day for me.
The best sunbeam teachers!
She was so tired after Lagoon this day that she fell asleep with the straw in her mouth haha.
Bowling on Hooligan Day. This is the Paige stance.
Always wanting to get in the pictures with her sisters.
She will often fall asleep on the way to picking up her sisters from school.
Brunch with Dad after he worked a 30 hour shift.
Found her in my bed after I took a late night bath one evening.
Trying anything to get her to stop picking her scabs.
She was practing her Ps... on the wall.
Playing dress up at the Farnsworth's. Gabby did her pretty hair.
Her new leotard from Aunt Nikkole (she was obsessed with a skirt that had this same print when she was two), and doll from Grandma Susan.

Oh life would be pretty dull without little Miss Paige in our lives. She is a handful of fun and then some haha. I'm trying to soak in our last year together before she's off to school too. I love my pocket full of sunshine!

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