Friday, April 9, 2021

Sojourn to Forney: April 2021

We spent our Easter/General Conference weekend visiting family in Forney. Dan's cousin lives there and his wife, Kylee, texted me a week or so before Easter and asked if we wanted to spend it with them. Our last visit was a blast and Dan made his studying schedule work around it so we went. We are grateful that the Fishers take such great care of us when we come and invade their house.
We left on Friday, April 2nd, after Dan finished his test. The drive took us about six hours. Ryan didn't know we were coming so it was fun to surprise him. We were only two minutes late to the adult Easter egg hunt put on by their HOA but all the eggs were found by the time we got there. Kylee had gotten a babysitter so we went to Buccee's and took advantage of some kid free time. 
Kylee and I did yoga on Saturday morning. It was a little chilly but felt good because my muscles had been tight all week. Then we watched the morning session of general conference. In between that and the afternoon session was the egg hunt for the kids. There tons of eggs. Paige had fun picking them up and putting them in her basket. After the afternoon session the kids all dyed eggs. After dinner and once the kids were asleep we played a game and then went to bed too.
After breakfast I made some frosting for the sugar cookies we decorated in between the morning and afternoon sessions of general conference. I used my great great great Grandma's recipe for the dough and made the cookies I had been making since I was little. They are seriously the most delicious sugar cookies ever. The recipe cannot be beat. The kids had lots of fun decorating cookies. It amazes me how much sugar they can put on one cookie ha. We went to a soccer field park that is close to their house and Kylee took the littles and my girls to a playground while the rest of us shot and played around a little. After dinner we got the kids to bed early so we could watch Godzilla vs. Kong. I predicted what would happen before it even started. It was not that good. 
Paige loved hanging out at the bottom of their stairs. We need to get some ha.
After eating breakfast on Monday morning we packed up and hit the road around 9:00 AM. We got home a little before 3:00. It was wonderful to be with family for Easter. It was good for my girls to play with some boys and Dan really liked doing little boy things too ha.

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