Thursday, April 22, 2021

Paige: Eighteen Months

This is the age I want Paige to stay at forever. She has personality, can understand and communicate, and still takes1-2 naps daily. I love her so much!

We got rid of Paige's binky at the beginning of the year. She wasn't using it much more anyway, since she uses her fingers. I don't know how we're going to rid her of that but I'm not too worried about it yet. She uses that and her Slumberkins sloth to comfort her. She is pretty good about going to sleep right away but she will cry if she doesn't have it. (We put all the girls in the same room about a month ago. It has worked surprisingly well. They all go to bed at the same time now that Hayley and Evelyn don't take naps.)
Paige has recently gotten a little more particular about eating. She isn't as much of a bottomless pit as she used to be. She will only eat when she is the one to do it sometimes too, which is fine and probably a good thing, just slower ha.
Paige has ten teeth and is currently sprouting number 11. I didn't even notice she was getting her molars until she was crying one day when I was changing her diaper and I saw white in the back of her mouth. Poor thing, but she has handled it fairly well. She doesn't say too many words but her vocabulary is SLOWLY expanding. Her favorites are: yeah, mommy, daddy, no, buddy, whale, turtle, and taco. Ya know... the important things ha. Her babble just kills me though and I love it. I wish I knew what she was saying. 
Paige is still in size four diapers and just started wearing her 18-24 month clothes. I look at her baby pictures and can't believe how chubby she was because she has thinned out so much. I kinda miss the rolls and big cheeks.
Paige enjoys looking at books. She isn't super fond of me reading them to her cause I'm too slow I guess? She likes to turn the pages at her speed. She likes to play outside and will go and grab her shoes when she wants to. She does have a bit of a problem with running into the street, so we're working on that. The slide is her favorite.
Paige is the best snuggler! She loves to grab her books or her buddy and come and sit on my lap. She will snuggle with me when I'm just chilling on the couch or in the mornings if I'm still in bed and Dan gets her out of her crib. She is the most content little babe.
Paige was behind in regards to walking so she started physical therapy at the end of November and finally graduated at the beginning of April. Miss Kelly was the best and I'm so grateful for all the work she did with her. I learned that apparently some kids need to be shown how to stand and walk, whereas others just pick it up on their own. After Paige was shown how to properly move her body she got it down right away. It was amazing to see how quick she could pick things up after being shown and the progress she made was great. She is all caught up, and maybe even more advanced because of all the extra things they did with her (i.e. walking on foam surfaces, focus on stairs and different levels, etc.). 
Paige did ruin our no ER visits track record. Grateful that it wasn't as serious as it could have been though and hopefully it was a one and only deal ha. She did look absolutely adorable in her hospital gown though.
Paige is definitely the biggest mama's baby. Because we didn't go anyway much when she was first born and then once COVID hit she hasn't experienced being around many people, especially without me. She would always cry when I would give her to Miss Kelly for PT and she has been to the gym daycare a couple times. She does stop eventually, but she does not like me leaving her. We just went back to two hour church, and Dan had to sit in nursery with her the whole time. She is a shy little girl but I am sure that will be overcome with time.
Paige's eyes still kind of change color depending on what she is wearing, but most of the time they look brown with a tiny hint of green. A hazel that is more on the brown side. I have loved being able to put her hair in a pony tail or pigtails. It has a bit of a curl to it, we will see if it lasts like Evelyn's or goes away like Hayley's did.
Paige likes showing us her belly. Dan loves asking her where it is and she lifts up her shirt and points to it or pats it. She is the cutest!
(Photos posted in newest to oldest and I was too lazy to fix it.)

Evelyn thought she needed a princess dress.
She went and sat on Hayley's head when she was trying to sleep haha.
She was quick to pick up on how the Easter egg hunt worked.
Twinning with cousin Beau.
I found her like this. She was so tired she just laid down and fell asleep.
At PT with Miss Kelly (in the beginning I was allowed to go back with her, until she started just wanting me the whole time).
Sumo wrestler for Halloween. Uncle Matt nicknamed her that because she was so big but she had started thinning by this point.

I love Paige and all that she has brought to our family. She is great at playing with her sisters and comforting them when they cry. We adore our little Paigers!

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