Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hayley: Ten Months

I think this is the first month where I can actually believe another month has passed. The last few weeks of school seemed to drag on forever, especially finals week. But anyway, this is about Hayley bug. She has grown up so much in just one month!
She finally figured out how to crawl! She is still pretty slow and a little clumsy but she is getting the hang of it. She has also started pulling herself up on to her knees and can occasionally make it to her feet. She can stand by herself for a few seconds at a time. We started putting her in size 3 diapers because I ran out of 2s and we have quite a few of 3s stocked up. She is a little champ at waving and will wave at just about everyone, if she's in the mood. Her first word was hi. She's been saying it for several weeks now and Dan didn't think it should count but she has started using it at the right time. I love it, I love it when she says hi and waves and says it back to me after I say it. It just warms my Mama heart. She has also started snuggling a little more. After I feed her at night she'll put her head on my chest and sit there for a little bit. It's the best. Moments like those make all the harder times worth it. I am so excited to be spending more time with her. She has two bottom teeth. I was planning on starting to wean her from nursing once school was out but now that she won't take a bottle I'm not sure what to do. We're working on getting her to take one, but so far nothing has been successful and we have tried quite a few different things. Wish us luck. She likes to open doors herself, it makes me smile to see her little fingers wrap around them and pull. When you ask her how big she is she'll put her hands in the air. Sometimes she'll give you a high five. She loves cheese sticks. She loves to be outside and seems to enjoy being out and about. She does have some bad stranger anxiety and could definitely be termed a Mama's girl. She loves to put her feet up when she's in a shopping cart, her stroller, and now even her high chair. She makes my heart soar!
She's my exercise buddy.
Before she learned how to move forward.
Watching Mommy play soccer from the car. 
She loves bath time!
That eyebrow.
Mother's Day was special last year but this year was definitely even more so. And it wasn't because of the flowers or breakfast in bed, but it was because I have been entrusted with this little human and she will look to me for just about everything, I hope, and it is the greatest feeling and blessing. I am so grateful I get to raise Hayley Hayward. 

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