Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Graduation Trip to Disneyland

My husband is the best man ever to give me a trip to Disneyland/California Adventure. It's definitely an act of true love to be willing to wait in a bunch of lines for rides that sing Disney songs. It was a nice little escape from reality and responsibilities and I loved it! Thanks Daniel.
5/18 We ate dinner with my family and then my Mom took us to the airport. It was weird saying goodbye to Hayley knowing I wouldn't see her until Sunday. We flew to California at 8:15 in the evening and got there around 9:15 PM. We picked up our awesome Kia Soul rental car and made our way to Embassy Suites after we got some food. We were both pretty tired by the time we finally got to bed.
5/19 We spent the first day in Disneyland. We got in all the rides we wanted to and skipped the ones we didn't really care for. Thank goodness for Fast Passes, whoever came up with those is genius. I met up with one of my companions, Ashley Stokes, at Hyperspace Mountain and we rode it together. We had been trying to see each other for months and things kept popping up so naturally we meet up in Disneyland haha. We were at the park from about 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We went to dinner at BJ's, mostly for the dessert but the pizza we had was pretty delicious too. The outlets were right by BJ's so we looked around them for a little bit and then hit up Ross because Daniel always has to go to Ross when we're on vacation. Sadly we left empty handed. My feet and lower back were killing me so we decided to hot tub instead of going back to the park. Then it was time for bed! It was a long day.
Finding Nemo.
Splash Mountain.
Stokesy and me after riding Space Mountain.
The man, the myth, the legend. I love Walt Disney.
Pizookie trio at BJ's.
5/20 We made sure we got to the park right when it opened, and we stayed in California Adventure all day. California Adventure was a lot less crowded, especially in the morning, so we were able to get in all the rides there that we wanted to do. It had been 10 years since I had been there so it was fun to ride new rides, although several of them were pretty similar to rides at Lagoon. We went back to our hotel in the late afternoon and went to Roscoe's Chicken 'N Waffles for dinner. I will never understand the concept but Daniel loves it. We took a little snoozer and then went back to California Adventure for a few quick rides before World of Color.
Those who know me better than others know that I absolutely love Disney. I have had the tradition of "Disney Movie Sunday" since I was a little girl, I gave my speech in 7th grade theater class on Walt Disney, and I dressed like Cinderella to my Jr. High School Prom, it ain't no thang. So call me crazy if you will, but World of Color reminded me why I love Disney so much. Yes, the songs and princesses are pretty grand, but Disney is about so much more. It's about making dreams come true and teaching children that they can do whatever they want and that they deserve happy endings. I love it. I want my kids to think that way and be raise to believe those kinds of things. If there more Walt Disney's in the world, Disneyland wouldn't be the only happiest place on earth.
Off my soap box now. The park closed for Grad Night after World of Color so we just went home because I was having my old lady back problems and Disneyland Forever (fireworks) got cancelled.
California Screamin'
Cars ride.
Grizzly River Run.
He definitely showed me how much he loved me on this vacation. Thanks love!
Toy Story Mania.
I was player 2. I have document whenever I beat Dan at something.
Dan had never been on Tower of Terror so I rode it for him. I hate the straight up and down rides.
Paradise Pier.
I had to get my corn dog from Corn Dog Castle.
5/21 We planned on getting up to get to the park when it opened but when that 7:00 AM alarm went off we decided that sleep sounded better. So we got to the park around 10:00 AM and looked through shops in between riding our favorite rides. It was nice to be able to do whatever we wanted, when we wanted. We went back to the hotel in the late afternoon again for some dinner and then came back for Disneyland Forever. We caught some of the parade before the fireworks started. They almost cancelled them again, but thankfully they didn't because they did the other two nights we were there too. Dan enjoyed the Buzz Lightyear ride, probably because he always won (but I did beat him at Toy Story Mania) so we rode that a few times afterward and then went back to the hotel to hopefully get a few decent hours of sleep before waking up at 5:00 AM to get to the airport and fly home. Our flight left at 7:15 AM and we landed around 9:45 AM.
Thunder Mountain.
Splash Mountain take 2.
The best Disney Princess.
Disneyland Forever.
It was a wonderful 3 day vacation, but man it was almost one of those "you need a vacation from your vacation" kind of trips. We walked 27 miles over the span of the 3 days we were at the parks, and both of our feet were fine, but my lower back was not happy at the end of every day. Ever since having Hayley it has not been the same. Speaking of Hayley, it was super wonderful to see her! I did video chat with her twice while we were gone but only for a few minutes and obviously she doesn't fully understand what's happening. Paul and Becky picked us up and met us inside and it took Hayley a minute to recognize us and believe that we were real. Once she did she was laughing and smiling like crazy. It made me a little teary eyed to see her again. It was a little weird having her in my arms again because California was like a separate world where she didn't exist, I don't know how else to explain it. Luckily it was nap time for her when we got home so Dan and I could take a nap too. We were both exhausted, my eyes would not stay open.
I am glad that Daniel and I had some time to ourselves. It was nice to be able to talk about things besides Hayley, work, and school, and just be the two of us again. I sure love him and am grateful that he is mine forever.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hayley: Ten Months

I think this is the first month where I can actually believe another month has passed. The last few weeks of school seemed to drag on forever, especially finals week. But anyway, this is about Hayley bug. She has grown up so much in just one month!
She finally figured out how to crawl! She is still pretty slow and a little clumsy but she is getting the hang of it. She has also started pulling herself up on to her knees and can occasionally make it to her feet. She can stand by herself for a few seconds at a time. We started putting her in size 3 diapers because I ran out of 2s and we have quite a few of 3s stocked up. She is a little champ at waving and will wave at just about everyone, if she's in the mood. Her first word was hi. She's been saying it for several weeks now and Dan didn't think it should count but she has started using it at the right time. I love it, I love it when she says hi and waves and says it back to me after I say it. It just warms my Mama heart. She has also started snuggling a little more. After I feed her at night she'll put her head on my chest and sit there for a little bit. It's the best. Moments like those make all the harder times worth it. I am so excited to be spending more time with her. She has two bottom teeth. I was planning on starting to wean her from nursing once school was out but now that she won't take a bottle I'm not sure what to do. We're working on getting her to take one, but so far nothing has been successful and we have tried quite a few different things. Wish us luck. She likes to open doors herself, it makes me smile to see her little fingers wrap around them and pull. When you ask her how big she is she'll put her hands in the air. Sometimes she'll give you a high five. She loves cheese sticks. She loves to be outside and seems to enjoy being out and about. She does have some bad stranger anxiety and could definitely be termed a Mama's girl. She loves to put her feet up when she's in a shopping cart, her stroller, and now even her high chair. She makes my heart soar!
She's my exercise buddy.
Before she learned how to move forward.
Watching Mommy play soccer from the car. 
She loves bath time!
That eyebrow.
Mother's Day was special last year but this year was definitely even more so. And it wasn't because of the flowers or breakfast in bed, but it was because I have been entrusted with this little human and she will look to me for just about everything, I hope, and it is the greatest feeling and blessing. I am so grateful I get to raise Hayley Hayward. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graduation & A Long List of Thank Yous

I knew graduating would feel good, but I did not know it would feel this good! I may or may not have cried when I walked out of my last final and it took some effort to suppress the scream I wanted to let out. I DID IT! I am a college graduate! And I did it through a pregnancy and the first 9.5 months of my baby's life.
I thought being pregnant whilst going to school was hard, but boy, this semester was almost the end of me. I decided I'd take throwing up in/during class over trying to entertain a little one AND listen to lecture/take notes for class. Not to mention trying to study when your baby needs/demands your attention. I can understand why people would want to wait to have kids after they're finished with school, but at the same time it has made this accomplishment that much more rewarding! Seriously, there have been literal tears of joy.
Graduation day was great. I got to see my Athletic Training classmates one last time and hear about their great accomplishments. It made me a little sad to not be their equal but Becky brought Hayley around so I could see her before I walked I got a little teary eyed and remembered why I was there and it was all worth it. It felt so good to walk across that room and receive my diploma. Plus I got a trip to Disneyland! I can't wait. I told Daniel I'd graduate more often if that was the end result ha.
We went to dinner at Sonora Grill with my parents, sister, and Dan's parents. It was a great day and I am so glad it is all over and I never have to go back to school again! It still feels surreal at times, but that freedom sure does taste good. And I definitely won't miss all the anxiety and depression that I feel while in school. Hopefully now I will be able to manage it better and the worst of it is in the past. Finals week felt a little like my mission all over again and it was horrible. So wish me luck!
As always, what kind of person would I be if I didn't thank those who helped me get here?! I could never fully thank all the people who helped me raise Hayley the past 8 months. Hopefully I'll just be able to pay it forward one day. But here is shout out to those amazing babysitters who made it all possible: Alyssa- thank you for being so willing to work with my crazy Monday schedule and be there for me I think all but twice (amazing track record!), you were so reliable and that helped my stress level more than you'll ever know; Cassie- thank you for juggling your twins and my child at the same time, that has to take skills that you should definitely be able to list on your resume or deserve the title of "SuperMom"; Jenna- thank you for watching my baby while you grew your own, being pregnant and watching a baby could not have been easy and you were always so happy and smiley to do it, and as if that wasn't enough you'd take her when I had to go take tests as well, I am grateful for your willingness; Aunt Nikkole- on your days off you came and watched Hayley twice a week, you even drove up from Kaysville and we will never be able to repay you, I am forever grateful to know that you love Hayley as if she was your own. To everyone else who helped where they could when I asked: THANK YOU! We are so blessed to live in such a great place where I could ask neighbors and friends to take Hayley for a few hours and they would always be so willing and make it work out when it wasn't always convenient. I am getting a little teary eyed just thinking about all of you and the help we received.
To Becky, my Mother-in-Law, thank you for your help when you were able. Hayley is certainly spoiled by you and all the wonderful toys you provide and diapers and food you buy for her. We are so grateful for your support and love. I will always remember the night Daniel was at NCUR and you asked if you could take Hayley for a few hours so I could get stuff done. That helped more than you'll ever know and I love you and Paul so much for what may have seemed like a little thing to you.
To my dearest Mother and Father, it will never end with you. I will never be able to come anywhere near doing enough for both of you. I would NEVER have made it through these past 10 months without you and your love, support, help, sacrifice, etc. Thank you for letting Hayley have sleepovers and taking her when I was sick and when I needed to study or take a test and the list goes on. Thank you for showing me what it must have been like for me as your baby. I am so blessed to call you Mother and I love you forever and always for teaching me how to be one myself. You are the most amazing woman I know. And Dad, thanks for being the best Grandpa ever. Hayley is so lucky to be loved so much by her Grandpa.
To Daniel, thank you for tutoring me through my last semester of school and helping where you were able with your ever busy schedule. You amaze me with how much you juggle at one time- in school, church, and family life. I love you so much and am so glad we get to raise Hayley together.