Friday, March 11, 2016

Hayley: Eight Months

Another month old for this little lady. Is it just me, or does time go by so much faster when you have a baby?
Hayley has finally rolled from her back to her stomach! But still no crawling. She is the wiggliest little person ever, I swear, and so I guess it's ok she hasn't started to crawl cause when she does we are in big trouble I'm afraid. She does not sit still, which makes church and trying to do homework/study especially difficult. I am glad she has so much energy though. I have found her completely opposite from how I put her in her crib, (she has done a 180) with all her stuffed animals all over the place because she likes to play when she's supposed to be sleeping. She is quite the little babbler and if you aren't paying attention to her she'll make sure you do. She is a great sleeper still, she goes down around 8:30 and is up around 7:30. She's still in size 2 diapers and her 6 month clothes. She will sometimes wave, we've been working on that one. No teeth yet, I'm wondering if she has any ha. She loves drinking with a straw and won't really take a bottle anymore so I caved and bought her a straw sippy cup. She started eating puffs and the occasional little pieces of mine and Daniel's dinner, depending on what it is. She is really helpful when it comes to taking off and putting on clothes, she'll move her arms through her sleeves and try and pull her clothes over her head. Her carseat is still magical, heaven knows why, because it'll calm her down when she's unhappy. She gets complimented on her pretty blue eyes all the time.
Happy Valentine's Day from this little love bug.
Ready for the World Cup!
I made sure she wasn't in pain before I took this. She started with her head the other direction.
Those blue eyes just get me.
My little exercise buddy.
Last month I had a concussion so I didn't really add much about Motherhood, besides that it's hard being a student Mom, and it is! Last week on campus I saw a Mom wearing one child, and holding hands with another and I just wanted to tell her that she's amazing. I'm so lucky I haven't had to take Hayley to class and hope that I don't have to. I am also lucky that I can do homework at work because without those hours to myself in the morning I don't think I'd be passing my classes ha. Again, so grateful I only have to do this for about a month and a half longer. The end is near! I am thrilled I get to devote all my time and energy to Hayley and Dan after graduation. It will be glorious. I love being a Mom and I am so blessed to be one to such a sweet little girl.

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