Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hayley: Seven Months

Hayley is showing more of her personality each month. It's fun to see her learn new things and see the world through her beautiful, blue eyes.
Hayley has learned a few new tricks: she can stand up by herself if she has something to hold on to or lean against or when her Daddy holds her feet, she can spit (not my favorite thing when I'm trying to feed her), she can drink with a straw, and she can clap (it's pretty adorable). She impresses me pretty often. She likes to babble whenever there is music playing, I like to think it's her attempt at singing along.  She will randomly just open and close her mouth and I haven't quite figured out why yet. She is still in size 2 diapers and her 6 month clothes are fitting a lot better. She is really good at going to sleep at night - all I have to do is put her in her crib, she'll put her wubbanub in and turn her head to the side, and drift into a slumber. She recently enjoys putting her blanket over her head and face too. Sometimes it hurts my Mama heart that she won't let me hold her while she sleeps anymore, so I just squish her and hold her as much as I can when she's awake. She does not like peas at all, I had to trick her to get her to eat the whole thing by giving her spoonfuls of other foods and then sneaking a pea spoonful in here and there. She had a pretty hilarious reaction to eating mashed potatoes, didn't seem to like those that much either. It's like she forgot how to roll over because she won't really do it anymore! I have no idea when she's ever going to crawl. She loves watching other kids run around and play, and she'll flail her arms and get all excited when she sees them. She takes really good, longer naps in the morning and then 2-3 more throughout the day depending on how long she can sleep for. She finally started going to sleep around 8:30! Woot! She started getting that baby whine and I guess I should count my blessings that we lasted this long without it. She likes to play peek-a-boo and be tossed in the air. She is ticklish around her thighs and armpits, and occasionally the lower back of her neck. She loves to be outside, so I can't wait 'til it gets a little warmer. Still no teeth and I don't even think she's started really teething yet. If she has, she has not made it known, which would be ok with me ha. She still loves to grab and touch people's faces. She really enjoys pulling off her socks and riding on her Daddy's shoulders. She has the cutest little laugh that I'd do anything to hear.
Lunch with her cousin Hadley before she left to Texas with Peter and Brittany.
How am I supposed to do homework with a little face like that just watching me?
I am so grateful this family of mine is forever. I was full of warm fuzzies as I walked through the Provo City Center Temple with Dan and Hayley.
Seriously, the cutest Jazz fan ever!
She loves drinking with a straw.
She looks like a toddler in this picture. And her crazy hairs are from her Aunt.
This past month Motherhood got a little harder with my return to school. I am beyond happy that I only have to do this for one semester. I am super amazed by women who do this for a lot longer with more kids. I had no idea how much those little naps helped because I am pretty tired all the time! I am very grateful for all those who help watch Hayley so that I can do this. I mean quite literally that I couldn't do this without them! And it helps to have an amazing little one, I am so lucky.

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