Friday, December 11, 2015

Hayley: Five Months

Let's just start out by saying that the 4 month sleep regression is real! And boy am I glad that we are past it, and I'm not looking forward to the next one. We started feeding Hayley rice cereal and oatmeal. In the beginning I couldn't tell if she just didn't like it or couldn't figure out how to eat off a spoon but she wouldn't ever eat very much, but since has gotten a little better and we're going to start giving her real food soon.
This time of year is special and I want Hayley to know how to give and not just receive. So what better person to teach her than Santa Claus? I hope she grows up with the belief in him and the magic of Christmas.
If you read my last blog post you'd know that Hayley really is my little angel. I just love her so stinking much! Since her little sleep regression she has since gone back to sleeping through the night, hallelujah. (Seriously, that was miserable. It was like she was a newborn all over again.) She will stick absolutely everything she can grab into her mouth, and if something is already close to her mouth she'll just stick her mouth on it - like your face or your hand. She can roll over pretty easy when she wants to, and when she doesn't just don't even bother her with trying ha. She can sit up by herself for a few seconds at a time. She can also stand up by herself as long as she's kind of leaning against something or holding something, but she's been able to do that for over a month now. She thinks it's funny when I sing and dance to her. She doesn't seem to like hats, I think they make her head itch more than it normally does, but she looks so darn cute in them! Anytime the TV is on she is mesmerized by it. She loves phones too. She has to wear a bib all day long because she drools like the Niagara Falls. She still spits up pretty often, so those bibs come in handy not only for drool but vomit too. We've finally moved up to size 2 diapers, but she still wears 3 month clothes, although I don't think for much longer. She recently found her toes and loves to play with them and will even suck on them occasionally. We think she likes the sound of her voice because she talks to herself and will kind of babble when she gets tired and is trying to fall asleep. But she can make her voice be raspy and will do that a majority of the time, she's silly. She gets compliments all the time on her smile, she'll almost always smile at you if you smile at her.
She LOVES those keys.
I guess the blanket won.
I'm still tired a majority of the time, even though she sleeps well most nights. That's the Mom life though, right? And I do love it. It's hard, always hard, but incredible, so very incredible.
A little P.S. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our family to yours!
(Kelsey Carlson designed these for me! She's amazing. Check her out at  her website.)

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