Thursday, February 13, 2014

God Is Love

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to speak in my ward. My topic was "God is Love". It was a wonderful topic to speak about because there is so much to be said about it! From the moment I received a letter from a member of my Bishopric about what I was to speak on to the time that I delivered my talk, my mind was constantly thinking about what I would say. And the biggest thing I wanted to convey was that God, our Heavenly Father, loves us. So very much. He loves you, He loves me, and it's a love that we cannot fully comprehend.
"Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely." -Dieter F. Utchdorf (The Love of God, General Conference 2009)
Other things that came to mind from this talk were things I've learned from the experiences I've gone through. If you don't know me that well or know my mission experience, I'll let you read about it instead of me telling it all again. Mission Story
I learned from what I went through that people are truly placed in our lives for a purpose. I served where I did so I could have a wonderful mission president and wife to care for me and help me through a very difficult trial. I was born to a family I was to have the strength and support from them as I continue to go through trials. Especially my mission, my Mother was there in ways I cannot explain. I just know more than I ever did before that she was given to me, she was supposed to be my Mother. She wrote me weekly, sometimes more than once, and knew things I didn't even tell her about yet. When I got home I was blessed with a man who wanted to marry me and helped me overcome a lot of what happened on my mission. He has continued to be my rock and my example and I love him more than anyone. I have been given friends who have understood what I've gone through and helped me in ways no others can. God is love because He blessed me with those people, He knew I'd need them before I did. 
I learned that the experiences and trials are not only for ourselves, but for others as well. It's not about me. This life is mine to live but it's not about me. God gives us what He does to help others, and He's loving enough to let us learn from what He gives us too. It's been almost two years since I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I think I'm finally starting to understand why. Because it's not about me. I was given that trial to help others. To understand what they are going through and help them as best I can. To see the world and others around me in a different way. I know life can be hard, but the next time you experience a trial or test think about what it can do for others, and you'll learn for yourself when you do. I'm not saying that it's easy, or that you shouldn't help yourself get over what you're going through, that needs to happen before you can really help others, but try and see the eternal perspective of it all. God is love because He gives us and others trials and experiences to help all of His children.
I learned that God's love is all around us. His love is in the smell of freshly cut grass, in a baby's laughter, in a friendly smile, etc. As I was preparing for this talk I came across this song and shared the lyrics at the end of my talk. It shows, in the little things, that Heavenly Father loves us.
God is love. Never deny He loves you and that He is aware of you. 

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